1 # *****************************列表操作*****************************
  2 # names = ["Lihua","Rain","Jack","Xiuxiu","Peiqi","Black"]
  3 # names.append('Blue')
  4 # names[3]='修修'
  5 # names.insert(2,["oldboy","oldgirl"])
  6 # names2 = [1,2,3,4,2,5,6,2,]
  7 # # new_names = names+names2
  8 # names.extend(names2)
  9 # print(names)
 10 # print(names[4:8])
 12 # *****************************取出names列表中索引2-10的元素,步长为2。*****************************
 13 # print(names[2:11:2])
 14 # print(names[-3:])
 16 # *****************************循环names列表,打印每个元素的索引值和元素。*****************************
 17 # for i in names:
 18 #     if names.index(i) % 2 == 0:
 19 #         res = names.index(i)
 20 #         names[res] = -1
 21 # print(names.index(2,names.index(2)+1))
 23 # *****************************购物车*****************************
 24 # products =   [["iphone",6888],["MacPro",14800],["小米6",2499],["Coffee",31],["Book",60],["Nike",699]]
 25 # print('---------商品列表-----------')
 26 # for index,i in enumerate(products):
 27 #     print("%s  %s    %s" % (index, i[0], i[1]))
 28 # !-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
 29 # products = [["iphone",6888],["MacPro",14800],["小米6",2499],["Coffee",31],["Book",60],["Nike",699]]
 30 # shop_car = [] # 用户购物车
 31 # shop_cost = 0 # 用户花费的金额
 32 # exit_log = False # 标志位,默认设为False,退出
 33 # while not exit_log:
 34 #     print("------ 商品列表 ------")
 35 #     for index,i in enumerate(products):
 36 #         print("%s   %s  %s"%(index,i[0],i[1]))
 37 #     user_choice = input("\n输入你想购买的产品序号(按“q”退出):")
 38 #     if user_choice.isdigit():
 39 #         # 判断用户输入的是否是数字
 40 #         user_choice = int(user_choice)  #强制转换为数字
 41 #         # if user_choice >= 0 and user_choice < len(products):
 42 #         if 0 <= user_choice < len(products):
 43 #             # 判断用户购买的商品是否在商品列表中
 44 #             shop_car.append(products[user_choice]) # 加入购物车
 45 #             shop_cost += products[user_choice][1]  # 计算费用
 46 #             print("\n %s 已经加入你的购物车\n"%products[user_choice])
 47 #         else:
 48 #             print("抱歉,此商品不存在\n")
 49 #     elif user_choice == "q":
 50 #       # 用户选择退出
 51 #         if len(shop_car)>0:
 52 #             # 判断用户是否购买了商品
 53 #             print("\n------ 你的购物车 ------")
 54 #             for index,i in enumerate(shop_car):
 55 #                 # index和i为临时变量,与前一个for循环里index和i作用的列表不同,故可重用
 56 #                 print("%s  %s"%(i[0],i[1]))
 57 #             print("\n你此次购物的花费合计是:%s元\n"%shop_cost)
 58 #             exit_log = True # 退出购物
 59 #         else:
 60 #             exit_log = True # 未购买商品,不打印购物车商品,直接退出
 61 #     else:
 62 #         # 输入不合法
 63 #         exit_log = True
 65 # ****************************列表出重适用相连索引,不相连索引******************************
 66 # a_list =[1,1,2,3,3,4,5,3,4]
 67 # b_list = []
 68 # for i in a_list:
 69 #     if i not in b_list:
 70 #         b_list.append(i)
 71 # print(b_list)
 73 # ****************************列表出重适用不相连索引******************************
 74 # a = [1,2,3,2,3]
 75 # b = []
 76 # for i in a:
 77 #     if i not in b:
 78 #         b.append(i)
 79 #     else:
 80 #         b.remove(i)
 81 # print(b)
 82 # ***********************map使用***********************
 83 # def square(x) :            # 计算平方数
 84 #     return x ** 2
 85 # map(square, [1,2,3,4,5])   # 计算列表各个元素的平方
 87 # ****************************求列表中不同数值转换成字符串****************************
 88 # a = [1,2,3,2,3]
 89 # b = []
 90 # for i in a:
 91 #     if i not in b:
 92 #         b.append(i)
 93 #     else:
 94 #         b.remove(i)
 95 # b = map(str,b)
 96 # print(''.join(b))
 98 # ****************************求列表中相同数值转换成字符串****************************
 99 # arr = [1,2,3,2,3]
100 # c = []
101 # for i in range(0, len(arr)):
102 #     for j in range(i + 1, len(arr)):
103 #         if arr[i] == arr[j]:
104 #             c.append(arr[i])
105 # b = map(str,c)
106 # print(','.join(b))
108 # ***************************列表的垃圾回收机制*****************************
109 # def extendlist(val,list=[]):
110 #     list.append(val)
111 #     return list
112 #
113 # list1 = extendlist(10)
114 # list2 = extendlist(123,[])
115 # list3 = extendlist('a')
116 #
117 # print('list1 = %s'%list1)
118 # print('list2 = %s'%list2)
119 # print('list3 = %s'%list3)
121 # **************************文件写入操作******************************
122 # f = open('test','w')
123 # f.write(t)
124 # f.close()
126 # **************************1到100相加******************************
127 # a = sum(range(1,101))
128 # print(a)
130 # **************************int数组考察******************************
131 # b = int(1.4)
132 # c = int('1.2',16)
133 # print(b,c)
135 # ************************求1+2!+3!....+20!的和(就是求1到20阶乘的和)********************************
136 # s = 0
137 # t = 1
138 # for n in range(1,21):
139 #     t *= n
140 #     s += t
141 # print(s)
143 # ************************************************************************
144 # n = int(5)
145 # jie = 1
146 # sum = 0
147 # i = 1
148 # while n >= i:
149 #   jie = jie * i
150 #   sum = sum + jie
151 #   i = i + 1
152 # print(sum)
154 # *******************************字符串转大写操作********************************
155 # s = 'nihao'
156 # t = s.upper()
158 # *******************************global局部变量转全局变量**********************************
159 # a = 5
160 # def fn():
161 #     global a
162 #     a = 4
163 # fn()
164 # print(a)
166 # *******************************字典删除/修改操作**********************************
167 # dic = {"name":"zs", "age":18}
168 # del dic['name']
169 # dic2 = {"name":"la"}
170 # dic.update(dic2)
171 # print(dic)
173 # *******************************try使用**********************************
174 # f = open("1.txt","wb")
175 # try:
176 #     f.write('hello word')
177 # except:
178 #     pass
179 # finally:
180 #     f.close()
182 # *******************************map计算平方,如果大于10输出**********************************
183 # list = [1,2,3,4,5]
184 # def fn(x) :
185 #     return x**2
186 # res = map(fn,list)
187 # res = [i for i in res if i>10]
188 # print(res)
190 # *******************************random基础使用**********************************
191 # import random
192 # import numpy
193 # result = random.randint(10,20)
194 # res = numpy.random.randn()
195 # ret = random.random()
196 # print("正整数",result)
197 # print("5个随机小数",res)
198 # print("0-1随机小数",ret)
200 # *******************************正则提取中国**********************************
201 # import re
202 # str = '<div class="man">中国</div>'
203 # res = re.findall('<div class=".*">(.*?)</div>', str)
204 # #.代表可有可无;*代表任意字符,满足类名可有变化;(.*?)提取文本
205 # print(res)
207 # *******************************lambda(匿名函数)使用**********************************
208 # sum = lambda a,b:a*b
209 # print(sum(4,5))
211 # g = lambda x,y:(x + y)
212 # print(g(10,20))
213 # def g(x,y):
214 #     return x+y
215 # print(g(10,20))
217 # *******************************字典重新key,val排序**********************************
218 # dict={"name":"zs","age":18,"city":"深圳","tel":"1362626627"}
219 # res = sorted(zip(dict.keys(),dict.values()))
220 # # 把字典里元祖转成字典key,val
221 # new_dict = {}
222 # for i in res:
223 #     new_dict[i[0]] = i[1]
224 # print(new_dict)
226 # ***************利用collections库的Counter方法统计字符串每个单词出现的次数***************
227 # from collections import Counter
228 # a = "kjalfj;ldsjafl;hdsllfdhg;lahfbl;hl;ahlf;h"
229 # res = Counter(a)
230 # print(res)
232 # *******************************装饰器使用**********************************
233 # from functools import wraps
234 # import time
235 # def logit(logfile='out.log'):
236 #     def logging_decorator(func):
237 #         @wraps(func)
238 #         def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs):
239 #             log_string = func.__name__ + " was called"
240 #             print(log_string)
241 #             # 打开logfile,并写入内容
242 #             with open(logfile, 'a') as opened_file:
243 #                 # 现在将日志打到指定的logfile
244 #                 localtime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
245 #                 opened_file.write(log_string+' '+localtime+ '\n')
246 #             return func(*args, **kwargs)
247 #         return wrapped_function
248 #     return logging_decorator
249 #
250 # @logit()
251 # def myfunc1():
252 #     pass
253 # myfunc1()
255 # *******************************表处理**********************************
256 # import pandas as pd
257 # io = r'C:\Users\Administrator\PycharmProjects\算法\算法\1.xls'
258 # data = pd.read_excel(io)
259 # print(data[['a','b']])
261 # *******************************a="hello"和b="你好"编码成bytes类型**********************************
262 # a=b"hello"
263 # b="你好".encode()
264 # print(a,b)
266 # *******************************统计图**********************************
267 # import numpy as np
268 # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
269 #
270 # # fname 为 你下载的字体库路径,注意 SimHei.ttf 字体的路径
271 # zhfont1 = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(fname="SimHei.ttf")
272 #
273 # x = np.arange(1, 11)
274 # y = 2 * x + 5
275 # plt.title("菜鸟教程 - 测试", fontproperties=zhfont1)
276 #
277 # # fontproperties 设置中文显示,fontsize 设置字体大小
278 # plt.xlabel("x 轴", fontproperties=zhfont1)
279 # plt.ylabel("y 轴", fontproperties=zhfont1)
280 # plt.plot(x, y)
281 # plt.show()
283 # *******************************类的使用**********************************
284 # class Student():
285 #     def __init__(self,user_input_name):
286 #         self.name = user_input_name
287 #     def say_hi(self):
288 #         print('Hello I\'m {}.'.format(self.name))
289 #
290 # lilei = Student('11111')
291 # lilei.say_hi()
293 # *******************************考虑共同类**********************************
294 # import random
295 # class Creatuere():
296 #     def __init__(self,hp,name):
297 #         self.hp = hp
298 #         self.name = name
299 #
300 #     def attack(self):
301 #         attack_value = random.randint(0,50)
302 #         return attack_value
303 #
304 #     def being_attack(self,attack_value):
305 #         self.hp = self.hp - attack_value
306 #
307 #     def not_dead(self):
308 #         if self.hp<0:
309 #             return False
310 #         else:
311 #             return True
312 #     def show_status(self):
313 #         print('{}\'hp is {}.'.format(self.name,self.hp))
314 #
315 # player = Creatuere(100,'Bi')
316 # enemy = Creatuere(80,'en')
317 #
318 # while player.not_dead() and enemy.not_dead():
319 #     player.show_status()
320 #     enemy.show_status()
321 #     user_input = input('attack or defence(A/D)')
322 #     if user_input == 'A':
323 #         player_attack_value = player.attack()
324 #         enemy_attack_value = enemy.attack()
325 #         enemy.being_attack(enemy_attack_value)
326 #         player.being_attack(player_attack_value)
327 #     elif user_input == 'D':
328 #         enemy_attack_value = enemy.attack()*0.1
329 #         player.being_attack(enemy_attack_value)
330 #
331 # if player.not_dead():
332 #     print('you win!')
333 # else:
334 #     print('you los')
336 # *******************************用正则过滤掉英文和数字**********************************
337 # import re
338 # a = "not 404 found 张三 99 深圳"
339 # list = a.split(" ")
340 # print(list)
341 # res = re.findall('\d+|[a-zA-Z]+',a)
342 # for i in res:
343 #     if i in list:
344 #         list.remove(i)
345 # new_str = ''.join(list)
346 # print(res)
347 # print(new_str)
349 # *******************************a="张明 98分",用re.sub,将98替换为100**********************************
350 # import re
351 # a="张明 98分"
352 # red = re.sub(r'\d+','100',a)
353 # print(red)
355 # *******************************求两个列表的交集、差集、并集**********************************
356 # a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
357 # b = [4, 3, 5, 6]
358 # jj1 = [i for i in a if i in b]
359 # print('交集:',jj1)
361 # bj1 = list(set(a).union(set(b)))
362 # print('并集:',bj1)
364 # cj1 = list(set(a).difference(set(b)))
365 # print('差集:',cj1)
367 # new_list = []
368 # List = list(set(a + b))
369 # def git_min(List):
370 #     d = min(List)
371 #     new_list.append(d)
372 #     List.remove(d)
373 #     if len(List) >0:
374 #         git_min(List)
375 #     return new_list
376 # git_min(List)
377 # print('并集:',new_list)
379 # *******************************文本操作提取**********************************
380 # 给出一个文本文件,包含用户访问记录,每一行为id,user_id,日期,比如“j354kdfd,82242,2018-09-18”,
381 # 请给出每年的用户平均访问次数。比如2018年有两个用户,分别访问了8,6次,那么2018年的用户平均访问次数是7
383 # import pandas as pd
384 # f = pd.read_csv('test.csv')
385 # a = f[f['日期'].str.contains("2018")]
386 # print(a)
387 # d = f[(f['id'] == "'aaaaaaaa'") & (f['日期'].str.contains("2018"))]
388 # d1 = f[(f['id'] == "'j354kdfd'") & (f['日期'].str.contains("2018"))]
389 # print((len(d) + len(d1)) / 2)
391 # *******************************join使用**********************************
392 # x="123"
393 # y="321"
394 # z=["4","5","6"]
395 # print(x.join(y),x.join(z))
397 # *******************************打印当前时间戳**********************************
398 # import datetime
399 # a = str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) + ' 星期:' + str(datetime.datetime.now().isoweekday())
400 # print(a)
402 # *******************************字符串操作**********************************
403 # 字符串操作:实现 split E函数,函数定义为 def split(txt, delimiter)),
404 # 比如:输入abcbbcc","bc",输出{'a','b','c'}
406 # def split(txt,delimiter):
407 #     print(sorted(set(txt+delimiter)))
408 # split("abcbbcc","bc")
410 # *******************************字典和json字符串相互转化**********************************
411 # import json
412 # dic = {'name':'zs'}
413 # res = json.dumps(dic)
414 # print(type(res))
415 # ret = json.loads(res)
416 # print(ret)
418 # *******************************列表推导式求列表所有奇数并构造新列表**********************************
419 # a =  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
420 # b = [i for i in a if i%2==0]
421 # print(b)
424 # *******************************列表嵌套字典的排序**********************************
425 # foo = [{"name":"zs","age":19},{"name":"ll","age":54},{"name":"wa","age":17},{"name":"df","age":23}]
426 # a = sorted(foo,key=lambda x : x['age'],reverse=True )
427 # print(a)
428 # b = sorted(foo,key=lambda x:x['name'])
429 # print(b)
432 #*******************************写一段自定义异常代码**********************************
433 # def f():
434 #     try:
435 #         for i in range(5):
436 #             if i>2:
437 #                 raise Exception('数字大于2')
438 #     except Exception as e:
439 #         print(e)
440 # f()
442 #*******************************使用pop和del删除字典中的字段**********************************
443 # dic={"name":"zs","age":18}
444 # dic.pop('name')
445 # print(dic)
446 # dic={"name":"zs","age":18}
447 # del dic['name']
448 # print(dic)
450 #*******************************不许用sort,输出排序**********************************
451 # list=[2,3,5,4,9,6],从小到大排序,不许用sort,输出[2,3,4,5,6,9]
452 # 利用min()方法求出最小值,原列表删除最小值,新列表加入最小值,递归调用获取最小值的函数,反复操作
454 # List = [2, 3, 5, 4, 9, 6]
455 # New_list = []
456 #
457 # def get_min(List):
458 #     a = min(List)
459 #     New_list.append(a)
460 #     List.remove(a)
461 #     if len(List) > 0:
462 #         get_min(List)
463 #     return New_list
464 #
465 # Newlist = get_min(List)
466 # print(Newlist)
468 #*******************************map 与 filter 函数区别**********************************
469 # res1 = map(lambda n: n > 5, range(10))
470 # lt1 = list(res1)
471 # print(lt1)
472 #
473 # res2 = filter(lambda n: n > 5, range(10))
474 # lt = list(res2)
475 # print(lt)
477 #*******************************csv文件处理**********************************
478 # import pandas as pd
479 # import os
480 # f = 'C:/Users/Administrator/PycharmProjects/Hello python/面试题/csv文件夹'
481 # for filename in os.listdir(f):
482 #     data = pd.read_csv(f+'/'+filename, names=['列1', '列2', '列3', '列4', '列5'])
483 #     data = pd.DataFrame(data.mean()).T.rename(index = {0:filename})
484 #     print(data)
485 #     data.to_csv('result.csv',mode='a+',header=0)
487 # data = pd.DataFrame({
488 #     'tag_id':['a','b','c','a','a','c'],
489 #     'count':[10,30,20,10,15,22]
490 # })
491 # grouped_data = data.groupby('列1')
494 #*******************************api的使用**********************************
495 # import requests
496 # def weather_api(question):
497 #     url = 'http://wthrcdn.etouch.cn/weather_mini?city=' + question
498 #     res = requests.get(url).json()
499 #     print(res['data']['yesterday'])
500 # city = input('请输入城市:')
501 # weather_api(city)
503 #*******************************[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]一行代码展开该列表,得出[1,2,3,4,5,6]**********************************
504 # a = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
505 # b = [j for i in a for j in i]
506 # print(b)