2.1 sum(), min(),max(),avg()等聚合函数 ——求解窗口期内的数据的总和
2.2 新增加序号列Ntile, Row_Number(), Rank(), Dense_Rank()
2.3 lag, lead, first_value, last_value 错位
2.4 grouping set, cube, roll up
1. 准备数据
2. 函数create table lxy (cookieid int, create_time string, pv int) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
load data inpath '/user/lxy.csv';
2.1 sum(), min(),max(),avg()等聚合函数 ——求解窗口期内的数据的总和
select *,
sum(a.pv) over (partition by cookieid order by create_time rows between 3 preceding and current row) as pv1,
sum(a.pv) over (partition by cookieid order by create_time rows between 2 preceding and 1 following) as pv2
from lxy as a;
在这里根据cookieid进行分组,然后按照create_time进行分组,选择不同的窗口进行一定函数的聚合运算。基本的语法是rows between 一个时间点 and 一个时间点。时间点分别可以是以当前行作为参考系,前面几行n preceding或者是后面几行c following,也可以是当前行current row。总之可以想象有一个滑动窗口,我们可以规定一个滑动窗口的中心位置和大小,然后每次画过一个步长,计算一次窗口内的值。
2.2 新增加序号列Ntile, Row_Number(), Rank(), Dense_Rank()
select *,
ntile(3) over (partition by cookid2 order by pv) as n1,
row_number() over (partition by cookid2 order by pv) as n2,
rank() over (partition by cookid2 order by pv) as n3,
dense_rank() over (partition by cookid2 order by pv) as n4
from lxy3;
- 对于Ntile函数,传入的参数N是指要切分成多少份,返回对应的序号,
- Row_Number()则是生成一列连续的序号,
- Rank()与Row_Number()类似,只是对于数值相同的这一项会同时为相同的序号,下一个序号跳过,比如倒数第二列当中有出现4,4,6没有5;
- Dense_Rank()则相反,会紧跟着下一个是紧接着的序号,比如4,4,5。
2.3 lag, lead, first_value, last_value 错位
- lag是迟滞的意思,也就是对某一列进行往后错行;
- lead是lag的反义词,也就是对某一列进行提前几行;
- first_value是对该列到目前为止的首个值,
- last_value是到目前行为止的最后一个值。
select *,
lag(pv, 2) over(partition by cookid2 order by log_date) as lag1,
lead(pv, 2, 0) over(partition by cookid2 order by log_date) as lead1,
first_value() over(partition by cookid2 order by log_date) as first_pv,
first_value() over(partition by cookid2 order by log_date) as last_pv,
last_value() over(partition by cookid2 order by log_date) as current_last_pv
from lxy3;
返回结果:LAG和LEAD里面都是传入三个参数,分别是排序的列名,滞后/往前的行数,以及默认填充值。因为我们在这里的LEAD()里面设置默认填充值为0,所以对于cookid后面两行缺失值填充为0。如果我们要返回每个分组下排序后的最后一个数,可以对该组进行DESC的操作,注意ORDER BY对返回的结果很有影响。
2.4 grouping set, cube, roll up
create external table lxw1234 (
month string,
day string,
cookieid string
) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' location '/user/chenlinlin2156233/lxy2/';
1. grouping set(key1, key2)
相当于是对不同字段进行group操作以后,再进行union all的操作。
select month,day,count(distinct cookieid) as count_id,grouping__id
from lxw1234
group by month, day
grouping sets(month, day)
order by grouping__id;
1. grouping_id是自动生成的,是进行了grouping_set()的操作之后。
2. 下划线有两个:grouping__id
3. 需要先做group by操作再传入grouping sets ,等价于先group再union all的做法
3. cube
就是比以上的grouping sets多了一个两列的整合,也就是笛卡尔乘积。
grouping set:
select month,null,count(distinct cookieid) as uv,1 as grouping__id from lxw1234 group by month
union all
select null,day,count(distinct cookieid) as uv,2 as grouping__id from lxw1234 group by day
union all
select month,day,count(distinct cookieid) as uv,3 as grouping__id from lxw1234 group by month,day
select month,day,count(distinct cookieid) as count_id,grouping__id
from lxw1234
group by month, day
with cube
order by grouping__id;
4. roll up
select month,day,count(distinct cookieid) as count_id,grouping__id
from lxw1234
group by month, day
with rollup
order by grouping__id;
select month,day,count(distinct cookieid) as count_id,grouping__id
from lxw1234
group by day, month
with rollup
order by grouping__id;