
译:Chinese idioms,most of which are composed of four Chinese characters,are a special means of expression in Chinese.

高度简练 highly concise
表达 convey
来源于 be derived from
与…有关 be related to…

译:Chinese idioms are mostly derived from ancient Chinese literary works and are usually related to certain myths,legends or historical events.

确切含义 exact meaning
出处 origin
恰当使用 proper use

译:China is a vast country with a large population,and people in many of its regions speak their own dialects.Dialects vary enormously in pronunciation,while relatively less in vocabulary and grammar.Some dialects,particularly those of the North and the South of China,are so diverse that their speakers usually have difficulty in understanding each other’s words.Even though dialects are considered as a component of the local culture,the number of people who can speak them has been decreasing in recent years.In order to encourage people to speak their local dialects more often,some local governments have taken measures to preserve the local cultural heritage,such as opening dialect courses in schools,broadcasting dialect programs on radio and TV.

本族语 mother tongue
一个重要区别 a major difference
在于 lie in
由于… on account of

译:Today,with the rapid economic growth in China and the enhancement of its global influence,more and more foreigners also begin to learn Chinese.