• 一,flink集群启动失败。
  • 二,UnsupportedFileSystemSchemeException: Hadoop is not in the classpath/dependencies.
  • 三,javademo错误
  • 四,flink wordcount没有输出
  • 五,Hadoop is not in the classpath/dependencies.
  • 六,结果写入hdfs报错
  • 七,命令行提交per job报错
  • 八,运行滚动窗口demo报错
  • 九,使用flink sql时报错
  • 十,使用flink sql报错
  • 十一,BroadcastStream做多流合并时报空指针异常
  • 十二,flink 用https连接es报错
  • 十三,设置时间窗口后不起作用
  • 十四,flink作业异常
  • 十五,scala.Predef$.refArrayOps
  • 十六 Provider org.apache.flink.connector.jdbc.catalog.factory.JdbcCatalogFactory not a subtype
  • 十六,flink socket 流转换空指针异常
  • 十七,设置watermark没有触发执行
  • 十八,Could not forward element to next operator
  • 十九:standalone集群起不来,任务提交不上
  • 二十,flinck-cdc Connected to node3:3306 at mysql-bin.000003/154 (sid:6303, cid:103)
  • 二十一,java.sql.SQLException: The connection property 'zeroDateTimeBehavior' only accepts values of the form: 'exception', 'round' or 'convertToNull'. The value 'CONVERT_TO_NULL' is not in this set.
  • 二十二,flinkc-cdc读不到binlog日志
  • 二十三,idea调试flink,启动后卡住不动
  • 二十四,Flink 解决 No ExecutorFactory found to execute the application
  • 二十五,'connector.type' expects 'filesystem', but is 'kafka'
  • 二十六 Could not find required property 'connector.properties.bootstrap.servers'
  • 二十七, The rowtime attribute can only replace a field with a valid time type, such as Timestamp or Long.
  • 二十八,Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  • 二十九,but this is no longer available on the server. Reconfigure the connector to use a snapshot when needed
  • 三十, Could not complete snapshot 1 for operator Sink: kafka-sink (1/4)#0. Failure reason: Checkpoint was declined.
  • 三十一, flinkcdc读取mysql,控制台一直打印下面日志,读不出日志
  • 三十二,standalone模式下提交job报错
  • 三十三,flink yarn-session模式下提交job失败
  • 三十四,mysql开启binlog无效