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airdrop 是 蓝牙吗

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Aleksey Khilko/ Aleksey Khilko /

Apple’s AirDrop is a convenient way to send photos, files, links, and other data between devices. AirDrop only works on Macs, iPhones, and iPads, but similar solutions are available for Windows PCs and Android devices.

Apple的AirDrop是在设备之间发送照片,文件,链接和其他数据的便捷方式。 AirDrop仅适用于Mac,iPhone和iPad,但Windows PC和Android设备也可以使用类似的解决方案。

(Windows 10: Nearby Sharing)

If you’re just moving photos or files between two nearby Windows 10 PCs, you don’t need anything extra. Windows 10’s “Nearby Sharing” feature was added back in the April 2018 Update. This feature works a lot like AirDrop for Windows. With this feature enabled on two PCs near each other, you can quickly send anything—even files, by using the Share feature built into Windows 10’s File Explorer. The files are transferred over Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

如果您只是在附近的两台Windows 10 PC之间移动照片或文件,则不需要任何其他操作。 Windows 10的“附近共享”功能已添加到2018年4月的更新中。 此功能与Windows的AirDrop十分相似。 通过在彼此相邻的两台PC上启用此功能,您可以使用Windows 10的“文件资源管理器”中内置的“共享”功能快速发送任何内容,甚至是文件。 文件通过蓝牙或Wi-Fi传输。

To set this up, visit Settings > System > Shared Experiences and enable “Nearby sharing.” You can choose who can send you content, but you’ll still have to agree every time someone wants to send you something.

要进行设置,请访问“设置”>“系统”>“共享的体验”,然后启用“附近共享”。 您可以选择谁可以向您发送内容,但是每次有人想要向您发送内容时,您仍然必须达成协议。

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(Android: Files by Google (and Fast Share))

On the Android front, Google is working on a “Fast Share” feature that works like AirDrop and Nearby Sharing. Via a combination of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, it will let you share files, photos, and even snippets of text with other people nearby.

在Android方面,Google正在开发“快速共享”功能,该功能可用于AirDrop和“附近共享”。 通过蓝牙和Wi-Fi的组合,它可以让您与附近的其他人共享文件,照片,甚至文本片段。

This feature isn’t out yet—9to5Google discovered a work-in-progress version in June 2019. It may take a while.


Until this feature goes live, you might want to try the official Files by Google app. It includes an “offline sharing” feature that uses peer-to-peer file sharing to send files to someone else with the Files by Google app nearby. In other words, it works a lot like AirDrop—two people with Files by Google installed can use the app to send files back and forth using Bluetooth.

在此功能上线之前,您可能需要尝试使用Google提供的官方“文件”应用程序。 它包括“离线共享”功能,该功能使用对等文件共享将文件通过附近的Google by Google应用发送给其他人。 换句话说,它的工作原理与AirDrop相似,两个安装了Google文件的人都可以使用该应用通过蓝牙来回发送文件。

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(Cross-Platform Alternatives to AirDrop)

Classic network file sharing tools still work well with Windows PCs, Macs, and even Linux systems. You can set up a shared network folder on your local network. WIth just tools built into your operating system, you can access the network folder in your operating system’s file manager and copy files back and forth.

经典的网络文件共享工具仍然可以在Windows PC,Mac甚至Linux系统上正常工作。 您可以在本地网络上设置共享网络文件夹。 使用操作系统中内置的工具,您可以访问操作系统文件管理器中的网络文件夹,并来回复制文件。

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If that’s a little technical or you want to transfer files over the internet, try using a file-syncing service like Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, or Apple iCloud Drive—which works on Windows, too. You can share files (or folders) with other accounts and they’ll be available in another person’s cloud storage. Dropbox even has a “LAN Sync” feature, which will ensure that any file shared with you by someone on the local network will be transferred over your local network and not the internet, saving time and download bandwidth.

如果这有点技术问题,或者您想通过Internet传输文件,请尝试使用文件同步服务,例如DropboxGoogle DriveMicrosoft OneDriveApple iCloud Drive ,它们也可以在Windows上运行。 您可以与其他帐户共享文件(或文件夹),它们将在其他人的云存储中可用。 Dropbox甚至具有“ LAN Sync”功能,该功能将确保本地网络上与您共享的任何文件都将通过您的本地网络而不是Internet传输,从而节省了时间和下载带宽。

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If you’d rather stick with sending files over the local network, try Snapdrop. It’s sort of a web-based clone of AirDrop. Unlike many other web-based services, you can open Snapdrop on two devices on the same local network and send a file—the file will be transferred over your local network, not via the internet.

如果您希望通过本地网络发送文件,请尝试使用Snapdrop 。 有点像AirDrop的基于Web的克隆。 与许多其他基于Web的服务不同,您可以在同一本地网络上的两台设备上打开Snapdrop并发送文件-文件将通过本地网络而不是通过Internet传输。

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For sending larger files, consider a file-sending service. There are many out there, but Firefox Send is made by Mozilla and is free. You can upload files to the service. You’re then given a link which you can send to someone, and that person can open the link in their browser and download the files. This does transfer the files over the internet.

要发送更大的文件,请考虑使用文件发送服务。 那里有很多,但是Firefox Send由Mozilla制作,是免费的。 您可以将文件上传到服务。 然后,您会得到一个可以发送给某人的链接,该人可以在他们的浏览器中打开该链接并下载文件。 这确实通过互联网传输文件。

You can use this tool without any sort of account—you can even use it in Google Chrome, Safari, or any other non-Firefox web browser.

您可以在没有任何帐户的情况下使用此工具,甚至可以在Google Chrome,Safari或任何其他非Firefox Web浏览器中使用它。

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Unfortunately, we can’t find any sort of Windows client for AirDrop or Android app that’s compatible with AirDrop. AirDrop only works between macOS systems, iPhones, and iPads.

不幸的是,我们找不到与AirDrop兼容的AirDrop或Android应用程序的任何Windows客户端。 AirDrop仅在macOS系统,iPhone和iPad之间工作。


airdrop 是 蓝牙吗