
1. 判断日期是否有效



function isValidDate(value, userFormat) {

  // Set default format if format is not provided
  userFormat = userFormat || 'mm/dd/yyyy';

  // Find custom delimiter by excluding
  // month, day and year characters
  var delimiter = /[^mdy]/.exec(userFormat)[0];

  // Create an array with month, day and year
  // so we know the format order by index
  var theFormat = userFormat.split(delimiter);

  // Create array from user date
  var theDate = value.split(delimiter);

  function isDate(date, format) {
    var m, d, y, i = 0, len = format.length, f;
    for (i; i < len; i++) {
      f = format[i];
      if (/m/.test(f)) m = date[i];
      if (/d/.test(f)) d = date[i];
      if (/y/.test(f)) y = date[i];
    return (
      m > 0 && m < 13 &&
      y && y.length === 4 &&
      d > 0 &&
      // Check if it's a valid day of the month
      d <= (new Date(y, m, 0)).getDate()

  return isDate(theDate, theFormat);
function isValidDate(value, userFormat) {

  // Set default format if format is not provided
  userFormat = userFormat || 'mm/dd/yyyy';

  // Find custom delimiter by excluding
  // month, day and year characters
  var delimiter = /[^mdy]/.exec(userFormat)[0];

  // Create an array with month, day and year
  // so we know the format order by index
  var theFormat = userFormat.split(delimiter);

  // Create array from user date
  var theDate = value.split(delimiter);

  function isDate(date, format) {
    var m, d, y, i = 0, len = format.length, f;
    for (i; i < len; i++) {
      f = format[i];
      if (/m/.test(f)) m = date[i];
      if (/d/.test(f)) d = date[i];
      if (/y/.test(f)) y = date[i];
    return (
      m > 0 && m < 13 &&
      y && y.length === 4 &&
      d > 0 &&
      // Check if it's a valid day of the month
      d <= (new Date(y, m, 0)).getDate()

  return isDate(theDate, theFormat);



isValidDate('dd-mm-yyyy', '31/11/2012')
isValidDate('dd-mm-yyyy', '31/11/2012')

2. 获取一组元素的最大宽度或高度


var getMaxHeight = function ($elms) {
  var maxHeight = 0;
  $elms.each(function () {
    // In some cases you may want to use outerHeight() instead
    var height = $(this).height();
    if (height > maxHeight) {
      maxHeight = height;
  return maxHeight;
var getMaxHeight = function ($elms) {
  var maxHeight = 0;
  $elms.each(function () {
    // In some cases you may want to use outerHeight() instead
    var height = $(this).height();
    if (height > maxHeight) {
      maxHeight = height;
  return maxHeight;


$(elements).height( getMaxHeight($(elements)) );
$(elements).height( getMaxHeight($(elements)) );

3. 高亮文本


function highlight(text, words, tag) {

  // Default tag if no tag is provided
  tag = tag || 'span';

  var i, len = words.length, re;
  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    // Global regex to highlight all matches
    re = new RegExp(words[i], 'g');
    if (re.test(text)) {
      text = text.replace(re, '<'+ tag +' class="highlight">$&</'+ tag +'>');

  return text;
function highlight(text, words, tag) {

  // Default tag if no tag is provided
  tag = tag || 'span';

  var i, len = words.length, re;
  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    // Global regex to highlight all matches
    re = new RegExp(words[i], 'g');
    if (re.test(text)) {
      text = text.replace(re, '<'+ tag +' class="highlight">$&</'+ tag +'>');

  return text;


function unhighlight(text, tag) {
  // Default tag if no tag is provided
  tag = tag || 'span';
  var re = new RegExp('(<'+ tag +'.+?>|<\/'+ tag +'>)', 'g');
  return text.replace(re, '');
function unhighlight(text, tag) {
  // Default tag if no tag is provided
  tag = tag || 'span';
  var re = new RegExp('(<'+ tag +'.+?>|<\/'+ tag +'>)', 'g');
  return text.replace(re, '');


$('p').html( highlight(
    $('p').html(), // the text
    ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'hello world'], // list of words or phrases to highlight
    'strong' // custom tag
$('p').html( highlight(
    $('p').html(), // the text
    ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'hello world'], // list of words or phrases to highlight
    'strong' // custom tag

4. 文字动效

有时你会希望给你的一段文字增加动效,让其中的每个字都动起来。你可以使用下面这段jQuery插件代码来达到这个效果。当然你需要结合一个CSS3 transition样式来达到更好的效果。

$.fn.animateText = function(delay, klass) {

  var text = this.text();
  var letters = text.split('');

  return this.each(function(){
    var $this = $(this);
    $this.html(text.replace(/./g, '<span class="letter">$&</span>'));
    $this.find('span.letter').each(function(i, el){
      setTimeout(function(){ $(el).addClass(klass); }, delay * i);

$.fn.animateText = function(delay, klass) {

  var text = this.text();
  var letters = text.split('');

  return this.each(function(){
    var $this = $(this);
    $this.html(text.replace(/./g, '<span class="letter">$&</span>'));
    $this.find('span.letter').each(function(i, el){
      setTimeout(function(){ $(el).addClass(klass); }, delay * i);



$('p').animateText(15, 'foo');
$('p').animateText(15, 'foo');

5. 逐个隐藏元素


$.fn.fadeAll = function (ops) {
  var o = $.extend({
    delay: 500, // delay between elements
    speed: 500, // animation speed
    ease: 'swing' // other require easing plugin
  }, ops);
  var $el = this;
  for (var i=0, d=0, l=$el.length; i<l; i++, d+=o.delay) {
    $el.eq(i).delay(d).fadeIn(o.speed, o.ease);
  return $el;
$.fn.fadeAll = function (ops) {
  var o = $.extend({
    delay: 500, // delay between elements
    speed: 500, // animation speed
    ease: 'swing' // other require easing plugin
  }, ops);
  var $el = this;
  for (var i=0, d=0, l=$el.length; i<l; i++, d+=o.delay) {
    $el.eq(i).delay(d).fadeIn(o.speed, o.ease);
  return $el;


$(elements).fadeAll({ delay: 300, speed: 300 });
$(elements).fadeAll({ delay: 300, speed: 300 });

6. 限制文本字数


function excerpt(str, nwords) {
  var words = str.split(' ');
  words.splice(nwords, words.length-1);
  return words.join(' ') +
    (words.length !== str.split(' ').length ? '…' : '');
function excerpt(str, nwords) {
  var words = str.split(' ');
  words.splice(nwords, words.length-1);
  return words.join(' ') +
    (words.length !== str.split(' ').length ? '…' : '');

7. 判断相应式布局中当前适配度


function isBreakPoint(bp) {
  // The breakpoints that you set in your css
  var bps = [320, 480, 768, 1024];
  var w = $(window).width();
  var min, max;
  for (var i = 0, l = bps.length; i < l; i++) {
    if (bps[i] === bp) {
      min = bps[i-1] || 0;
      max = bps[i];
  return w > min && w <= max;
function isBreakPoint(bp) {
  // The breakpoints that you set in your css
  var bps = [320, 480, 768, 1024];
  var w = $(window).width();
  var min, max;
  for (var i = 0, l = bps.length; i < l; i++) {
    if (bps[i] === bp) {
      min = bps[i-1] || 0;
      max = bps[i];
  return w > min && w <= max;


if ( isBreakPoint(320) ) {
  // breakpoint at 320 or less
if ( isBreakPoint(480) ) {
  // breakpoint between 320 and 480
if ( isBreakPoint(320) ) {
  // breakpoint at 320 or less
if ( isBreakPoint(480) ) {
  // breakpoint between 320 and 480

8. 全局计数


    .data('counter', 0) // begin counter at zero
    .click(function() {
        var counter = $(this).data('counter'); // get
        $(this).data('counter', counter + 1); // set
        // do something else...
    .data('counter', 0) // begin counter at zero
    .click(function() {
        var counter = $(this).data('counter'); // get
        $(this).data('counter', counter + 1); // set
        // do something else...

9. 嵌入优酷视频

function embedYouku(link, ops) {

  var o = $.extend({
    width: 480,
    height: 320,
    params: ''
  }, ops);

  var id = /\?v\=(\w+)/.exec(link)[1];

  return '<embed allowFullScreen="true" id="embedid"  quality="high" width="'+o.width+'" height="'+o.height+'" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="'+id+'?'+o.ops'"';
function embedYouku(link, ops) {

  var o = $.extend({
    width: 480,
    height: 320,
    params: ''
  }, ops);

  var id = /\?v\=(\w+)/.exec(link)[1];

  return '<embed allowFullScreen="true" id="embedid"  quality="high" width="'+o.width+'" height="'+o.height+'" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="'+id+'?'+o.ops'"';



10. 创建动态菜单或下拉列表


function makeMenu(items, tags) {

  tags = tags || ['ul', 'li']; // default tags
  var parent = tags[0];
  var child = tags[1];

  var item, value = '';
  for (var i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
    item = items[i];
    // Separate item and value if value is present
    if (/:/.test(item)) {
      item = items[i].split(':')[0];
      value = items[i].split(':')[1];
    // Wrap the item in tag
    items[i] = '<'+ child +' '+
      (value && 'value="'+value+'"') +'>'+ // add value if present
        item +'</'+ child +'>';

  return '<'+ parent +'>'+ items.join('') +'</'+ parent +'>';
function makeMenu(items, tags) {

  tags = tags || ['ul', 'li']; // default tags
  var parent = tags[0];
  var child = tags[1];

  var item, value = '';
  for (var i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
    item = items[i];
    // Separate item and value if value is present
    if (/:/.test(item)) {
      item = items[i].split(':')[0];
      value = items[i].split(':')[1];
    // Wrap the item in tag
    items[i] = '<'+ child +' '+
      (value && 'value="'+value+'"') +'>'+ // add value if present
        item +'</'+ child +'>';

  return '<'+ parent +'>'+ items.join('') +'</'+ parent +'>';


// Dropdown select month
  ['January:JAN', 'February:FEB', 'March:MAR'], // item:value
  ['select', 'option']

// List of groceries
  ['Carrots', 'Lettuce', 'Tomatos', 'Milk'],
  ['ol', 'li']
// Dropdown select month
  ['January:JAN', 'February:FEB', 'March:MAR'], // item:value
  ['select', 'option']

// List of groceries
  ['Carrots', 'Lettuce', 'Tomatos', 'Milk'],
  ['ol', 'li']

11,javascript Date format(js日期格式化)

Date.prototype.Format = function (fmt) { //author: meizz
        var o = {
            "M+": this.getMonth() + 1, //月份
            "d+": this.getDate(), //日
            "h+": this.getHours(), //小时
            "m+": this.getMinutes(), //分
            "s+": this.getSeconds(), //秒
            "q+": Math.floor((this.getMonth() + 3) / 3), //季度
            "S": this.getMilliseconds() //毫秒
        if (/(y+)/.test(fmt)) fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));
        for (var k in o)
            if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt)) fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length == 1) ? (o[k]) : (("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length)));
        return fmt;

    var time1 = new Date().Format("yyyy-MM-dd");
    var time2 = new Date().Format("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");


var Money = function(money) {
        this.money = money;
        this.strNum = '零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖';
// 对应中文数字
        this.strUnit = '万仟佰拾亿仟佰拾万仟佰拾元角分';
// 对应单位
        return this;

    Money.prototype.format = function() {

        var numberValue = new String(Math.round(this.money * 100));
// 数字金额
        var chineseValue = "";
// 转换后的中文金额
        var len = numberValue.length;
// 输入数字的长度
        var Ch1;  // 数字的中文读法
        var Ch2;  // 数字位的中文读法
        var nZero = 0;
// 计算连续的零值的个数
        var index;  // 指定位置的数值

        if (len > 15) {
            return ;

        if (numberValue == 0) {
            chineseValue == "零元整";
            return chineseValue;

        this.strUnit = this.strUnit.substr(this.strUnit.length - len, len);
// 取出对应位数的单位的值

        for (var i = 0; i < len; i ++) {
            index = parseInt(numberValue.substr(i, 1), 10);
// 取出需要转换的某一位的值

            if (i != (len - 3) && i != (len - 7) && i != (len - 11) && i != (len - 15)) {
                if (index == 0) {
                    Ch1 = "";
                    Ch2 = "";
                    nZero = nZero + 1;
                } else if (index != 0 && nZero != 0) {
                    Ch1 = "零" + this.strNum.substr(index, 1);
                    Ch2 = this.strUnit.substr(i, 1);
                    nZero = 0
                } else {
                    Ch1 = this.strNum.substr(index, 1);
                    Ch2 = this.strUnit.substr(i, 1);
                    nZero = 0;
            } else {
                if (index != 0 && nZero != 0) {
                    Ch1 = "零" + this.strNum.substr(index, 1);
                    Ch2 = this.strUnit.substr(i, 1);
                    nZero = 0;
                } else if (index != 0 && nZero == 0) {
                    Ch1 = this.strNum.substr(index, 1);
                    Ch2 = this.strUnit.substr(i, 1);
                    nZero = 0
                } else if (index == 0 && nZero >= 3) {
                    Ch1 = "";
                    Ch2 = "";
                    nZero = nZero + 1;
                } else {
                    Ch1 = "";
                    Ch2 = this.strUnit.substr(i, 1);
                    nZero = nZero + 1;

                if (i == (len - 11) || i == (len - 3)) {
                    Ch2 = this.strUnit.substr(i, 1)
            chineseValue = chineseValue + Ch1 + Ch2;

        if (index == 0) {
            chineseValue = chineseValue + "整";

        return chineseValue;


    var vue = new Money(1212);


//比较yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss格式的日期时间大小
    function compareTime(startDate, endDate) {      
        var startDateTemp = startDate.split(" ");   
        var endDateTemp = endDate.split(" ");   
        var arrStartDate = startDateTemp[0].split("-");   
        var arrEndDate = endDateTemp[0].split("-");   
        var arrStartTime = startDateTemp[1].split(":");   
        var arrEndTime = endDateTemp[1].split(":");   
        var allStartDate = new Date(arrStartDate[0], arrStartDate[1], arrStartDate[2], arrStartTime[0], arrStartTime[1], arrStartTime[2]);   
        var allEndDate = new Date(arrEndDate[0], arrEndDate[1], arrEndDate[2], arrEndTime[0], arrEndTime[1], arrEndTime[2]);
        if (allStartDate.getTime() >= allEndDate.getTime()) { 
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;  
