1. cplex介绍


pip install cplex
pip install docplex


2. 示例代码和说明

python实现运筹学排序与统筹安排问题 python运筹学的包_json
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import cplex
from cplex.exceptions import CplexError
my_obj = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0]
my_ub = [40.0, cplex.infinity, cplex.infinity, 3.0]
my_lb = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0]
my_ctype = "CCCI"
my_colnames = ["x1", "x2", "x3", "x4"]
my_rhs = [20.0, 30.0, 0.0]
my_rownames = ["r1", "r2", "r3"]
my_sense = "LLE"

def populatebyrow(prob):
    prob.variables.add(obj=my_obj, lb=my_lb, ub=my_ub, types=my_ctype,
    rows = [[my_colnames, [-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 10.0]],
            [my_colnames, [1.0, -3.0, 1.0, 0.0]],
            [my_colnames, [0.0, 1.0, -3.5, 0.0]]]
    prob.linear_constraints.add(lin_expr=rows, senses=my_sense,rhs=my_rhs, names=my_rownames)

    my_prob = cplex.Cplex()
    handle = populatebyrow(my_prob)
except CplexError as exc:

print("Solution status = ", my_prob.solution.status[my_prob.solution.get_status()])
print("Solution value  = ", my_prob.solution.get_objective_value())
x = my_prob.solution.get_values()
print('x: ',x)


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3. 使用建模语言

docplex(Decision Optimization CPLEX® Modeling for Python)是一个基于python的建模语言库,这里是官方文档。

  • 定义模型,比如:m = Model(name=‘telephone_production’)
  • 定义变量,比如:desk = m.continuous_var(name=‘desk’);整数变量和01变量分别为integer_var和binary_var。
  • 定义约束,比如:ct_assembly = m.add_constraint( 0.2 * desk + 0.4 * cell <= 400)
  • 定义目标函数,比如:m.maximize(12 * desk + 20 * cell)
  • 求解问题:m.solve()


# first import the Model class from docplex.mp
from docplex.mp.model import Model

# create one model instance, with a name
m = Model(name='telephone_production')

# by default, all variables in Docplex have a lower bound of 0 and infinite upper bound
desk = m.continuous_var(name='desk')
cell = m.continuous_var(name='cell')

# constraint #1: desk production is greater than 100
m.add_constraint(desk >= 100)

# constraint #2: cell production is greater than 100
m.add_constraint(cell >= 100)

# constraint #3: assembly time limit
ct_assembly = m.add_constraint( 0.2 * desk + 0.4 * cell <= 400)

# constraint #4: paiting time limit
ct_painting = m.add_constraint( 0.5 * desk + 0.4 * cell <= 490)

m.maximize(12 * desk + 20 * cell)
s = m.solve()


  • 使用字典、元祖等进行定义,比如:
    costs = {(1,3): 2, (1,5):4, (2,4):5, (2,5):3}source = range(1, 3)tm.minimize(tm.sum(x[i,j]*costs.get((i,j), 0)))x = {(i,j): tm.continuous_var(name='x_{0}_{1}'.format(i,j)) for i in source for j in target}
  • 使用列表推导式,比如:
    x = {(i,j): tm.continuous_var(name='x_{0}_{1}'.format(i,j)) for i in source for j in target}tm.minimize(tm.sum(x[i,j]*costs.get((i,j), 0) for i in source for j in target))
  • 使用KPI,在report中查看。


from collections import namedtuple

from docplex.mp.model import Model
from docplex.util.environment import get_environment

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialize the problem data
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ("Roasted Chicken", 0.84, 0, 10),
    ("Spaghetti W/ Sauce", 0.78, 0, 10),
    ("Tomato,Red,Ripe,Raw", 0.27, 0, 10),
    ("Apple,Raw,W/Skin", .24, 0, 10),
    ("Grapes", 0.32, 0, 10),
    ("Chocolate Chip Cookies", 0.03, 0, 10),
    ("Lowfat Milk", 0.23, 0, 10),
    ("Raisin Brn", 0.34, 0, 10),
    ("Hotdog", 0.31, 0, 10)

    ("Calories", 2000, 2500),
    ("Calcium", 800, 1600),
    ("Iron", 10, 30),
    ("Vit_A", 5000, 50000),
    ("Dietary_Fiber", 25, 100),
    ("Carbohydrates", 0, 300),
    ("Protein", 50, 100)

    ("Roasted Chicken", 277.4, 21.9, 1.8, 77.4, 0, 0, 42.2),
    ("Spaghetti W/ Sauce", 358.2, 80.2, 2.3, 3055.2, 11.6, 58.3, 8.2),
    ("Tomato,Red,Ripe,Raw", 25.8, 6.2, 0.6, 766.3, 1.4, 5.7, 1),
    ("Apple,Raw,W/Skin", 81.4, 9.7, 0.2, 73.1, 3.7, 21, 0.3),
    ("Grapes", 15.1, 3.4, 0.1, 24, 0.2, 4.1, 0.2),
    ("Chocolate Chip Cookies", 78.1, 6.2, 0.4, 101.8, 0, 9.3, 0.9),
    ("Lowfat Milk", 121.2, 296.7, 0.1, 500.2, 0, 11.7, 8.1),
    ("Raisin Brn", 115.1, 12.9, 16.8, 1250.2, 4, 27.9, 4),
    ("Hotdog", 242.1, 23.5, 2.3, 0, 0, 18, 10.4)

Food = namedtuple("Food", ["name", "unit_cost", "qmin", "qmax"])
Nutrient = namedtuple("Nutrient", ["name", "qmin", "qmax"])

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Build the model
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

def build_diet_model(**kwargs):
    # Create tuples with named fields for foods and nutrients

    foods = [Food(*f) for f in FOODS]
    nutrients = [Nutrient(*row) for row in NUTRIENTS]

    food_nutrients = {(fn[0], nutrients[n].name):
                      fn[1 + n] for fn in FOOD_NUTRIENTS for n in range(len(NUTRIENTS))}

    # Model
    mdl = Model(name='diet', **kwargs)

    # Decision variables, limited to be >= Food.qmin and <= Food.qmax
    qty = mdl.continuous_var_dict(foods, lb=lambda f: f.qmin, ub=lambda f: f.qmax, name=lambda f: "q_%s" % f.name)

    # Limit range of nutrients, and mark them as KPIs
    for n in nutrients:
        amount = mdl.sum(qty[f] * food_nutrients[f.name, n.name] for f in foods)
        mdl.add_range(n.qmin, amount, n.qmax)
        mdl.add_kpi(amount, publish_name="Total %s" % n.name)

    # Minimize cost
    mdl.minimize(mdl.sum(qty[f] * f.unit_cost for f in foods))

    return mdl

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Solve the model and display the result
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

if __name__ == '__main__':
    mdl = build_diet_model()
    if mdl.solve():
        mdl.float_precision = 3
        print("* model solved as function:")
        # Save the CPLEX solution as "solution.json" program output
        with get_environment().get_output_stream("solution.json") as fp:
            mdl.solution.export(fp, "json")
        print("* model has no solution")


Model: diet
 - number of variables: 9
   - binary=0, integer=0, continuous=9
 - number of constraints: 7
   - linear=7
 - parameters: defaults
* model solved as function:
objective: 2.690
  "q_Spaghetti W/ Sauce"=2.155
  "q_Chocolate Chip Cookies"=10.000
  "q_Lowfat Milk"=1.831
*  KPI: Total Calories      = 2000.000
*  KPI: Total Calcium       = 800.000
*  KPI: Total Iron          = 11.278
*  KPI: Total Vit_A         = 8518.433
*  KPI: Total Dietary_Fiber = 25.000
*  KPI: Total Carbohydrates = 256.806
*  KPI: Total Protein       = 51.174

4. MIP log

打开log,在 Model.solve()中设置log_output=True。MIP的监控参数可以设置为如下:

python实现运筹学排序与统筹安排问题 python运筹学的包_Red_10


Tried aggregator 1 time. 
Presolve time =    0.00 sec. (0.00 ticks)
MIP emphasis: balance optimality and feasibility.
MIP search method: dynamic search.
Parallel mode: none, using 1 thread.
Root relaxation solution time = 0.00 sec (0.00 ticks)

         Nodes                                 Cuts/   
   Node  Left     Objective  IInf  Best Integer     Best Bound    ItCnt    Gap
*     0+    0                            0.0000     3261.8212        8     ---
*     0+    0                         3148.0000     3261.8212        8    3.62%
      0     0     3254.5370     7     3148.0000       Cuts: 5       14    3.38%
      0     0     3246.0185     7     3148.0000       Cuts: 3       24    3.11%
*     0+    0                         3158.0000     3246.0185       24    2.79%
      0     0     3245.3465     9     3158.0000       Cuts: 5       27    2.77%
      0     0     3243.4477     9     3158.0000       Cuts: 5       32    2.71%
      0     0     3242.9809    10     3158.0000     Covers: 3       36    2.69%
      0     0     3242.8397    11     3158.0000     Covers: 1       37    2.69%
      0     0     3242.7428    11     3158.0000       Cuts: 3       39    2.68%
      0     2     3242.7428    11     3158.0000     3242.7428       39    2.68%
     10    11     3199.1875     2     3158.0000     3215.1261       73    1.81%
*    20+   11                         3168.0000     3215.1261       89    1.49%
     20    13     3179.0028     5     3168.0000     3215.1261       89    1.49%
     30    15     3179.9091     3     3168.0000     3197.5227      113    0.93%
*    39     3      integral     0     3186.0000     3197.3990      126    0.36%
     40     3     3193.7500     1     3186.0000     3197.3990      128    0.36% 

Cover cuts applied:  9
Zero-half cuts applied:  2
Gomory fractional cuts applied:  1

Solution pool: 5 solutions saved. 
MIP-Integer optimal solution:  Objective =   3.1860000000e+03
Solution time =    0.01 sec.  (0.00 ticks)  Iterations = 131   Nodes = 44
