ios海拔高度 海拔高度表苹果手机_java

iphone 测量夹角

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Khamosh Pathak Khamosh Pathak

If you’re traveling, you might be curious as to the altitude of the place you’re at. The altitude can tell you a lot about the weather and the living conditions. Here’s how you can measure altitude on your iPhone.

如果您正在旅行,可能会对自己所处位置的高度感到好奇。 海拔高度可以告诉您很多有关天气和居住条件的信息。 这是在iPhone上测量高度的方法。

Before we begin, a word about the difference between altitude and elevation. While people use them interchangeably, they have slightly different meanings.

在开始之前,请先谈谈海拔和海拔之间的差异。 人们可以互换使用它们时,它们的含义略有不同。

According to, altitude is defined as the height of an object or place “above a given planetary reference plane, especially above sea level on earth.” Similarly, the website defines elevation as the height to which something is elevated or to which it rises, above sea level, or ground level.” The main difference here is that altitude is always calculated from the sea level.

根据Dictionary.com的定义,高度是指“在给定的行星参考平面上,特别是在地球上的海平面之上”的物体或位置的高度。 同样,该网站将海拔定义为海拔高于或高于地面或海拔的高度。” 这里的主要区别是海拔高度始终是根据海平面计算得出的。

If you only want to measure the height of a place you’re at, you can simply use the Compass app on your iPhone. It has a built-in elevation feature.

如果您只想测量自己所处位置的高度,则只需在iPhone上使用Compass应用程序即可。 它具有内置的高程功能。

To measure the altitude, use the free My Altitude app. The app uses both the device’s built-in barometer sensors and NOAA location data to give you accurate figures.

要测量海拔高度,请使用免费的“ 我的海拔高度”应用程序。 该应用程序使用设备的内置气压计传感器和NOAA位置数据为您提供准确的数字。

Once you open the app, give the app access to location services, so it can determine your exact location. You’ll now see the altitude at the top of the screen. You can tap on it to switch between metric and imperial units.

打开应用后,向应用授予访问位置服务的权限,以便它可以确定您的确切位置。 现在,您将在屏幕顶部看到海拔高度。 您可以点击它在公制和英制单位之间切换。

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If you have a newer iPhone (iPhone 6 and higher), the app will use the device’s sensor to determine your altitude (it’s more accurate). But you can also see the data from the NOAA database.

如果您拥有更新的iPhone(iPhone 6及更高版本),则该应用程序将使用设备的传感器来确定您的海拔高度(更准确)。 但是您也可以从NOAA数据库中查看数据。

Tap on the “Data Files” tab in the bottom-right corner.


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Because this is the first time you’re using this feature, the app will ask you to download the data file for the region. Tap on the “Yes” button.

由于这是您第一次使用此功能,因此该应用会要求您下载该区域的数据文件。 点击“是”按钮。

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You’ll see a map divided into a grid layout. Find your current region and tap on it to download the NOAA data.

您会看到地图分为网格布局。 找到您当前的区域并点击以下载NOAA数据。

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You’ll see another confirmation popup for downloading the data file. Here, tap on the “Yes” button again.

您会看到另一个确认弹出窗口,用于下载数据文件。 在这里,再次点击“是”按钮。

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In a couple of seconds, the data file will be loaded in the app. Again, tap on the “Data Files” tab from the bottom of the app’s home screen.

几秒钟后,数据文件将被加载到应用程序中。 再次点击应用主屏幕底部的“数据文件”标签。

All the sections will remain the same, but the data will now switch to the NOAA database.


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You can tap on the “Device Sensor” button again to switch back.


This is just one of the many hidden features in iOS. Take a look at our list of hidden iPhone features to learn more.

这只是iOS中许多隐藏功能之一。 查看我们的隐藏iPhone功能列表,以了解更多信息。