
4.2.1 数学常数


#define UNITY_PI            3.14159265359f
#define UNITY_TWO_PI        6.28318530718f
#define UNITY_FOUR_PI       12.56637061436f
#define UNITY_INV_PI        0.31830988618f
#define UNITY_INV_TWO_PI    0.15915494309f
#define UNITY_INV_FOUR_PI   0.07957747155f
#define UNITY_HALF_PI       1.57079632679f
#define UNITY_INV_HALF_PI   0.636619772367f

4.2.2 与颜色空间相关的常数和工具函数

inline bool IsGammaSpace()
        return true;
        return false;

inline float GammaToLinearSpaceExact (float value)
    if (value <= 0.04045F)
        return value / 12.92F;
    else if (value < 1.0F)
        return pow((value + 0.055F)/1.055F, 2.4F);
        return pow(value, 2.2F);
inline half3 GammaToLinearSpace (half3 sRGB)
    // Approximate version from http://chilliant.blogspot.com.au/2012/08/srgb-approximations-for-hlsl.html?m=1
    return sRGB * (sRGB * (sRGB * 0.305306011h + 0.682171111h) + 0.012522878h);

    // Precise version, useful for debugging.
    //return half3(GammaToLinearSpaceExact(sRGB.r), GammaToLinearSpaceExact(sRGB.g), GammaToLinearSpaceExact(sRGB.b));
inline float LinearToGammaSpaceExact (float value)
    if (value <= 0.0F)
        return 0.0F;
    else if (value <= 0.0031308F)
        return 12.92F * value;
    else if (value < 1.0F)
        return 1.055F * pow(value, 0.4166667F) - 0.055F;
        return pow(value, 0.45454545F);
inline half3 LinearToGammaSpace (half3 linRGB)
    linRGB = max(linRGB, half3(0.h, 0.h, 0.h));
    // An almost-perfect approximation from http://chilliant.blogspot.com.au/2012/08/srgb-approximations-for-hlsl.html?m=1
    return max(1.055h * pow(linRGB, 0.416666667h) - 0.055h, 0.h);

    // Exact version, useful for debugging.
    //return half3(LinearToGammaSpaceExact(linRGB.r), LinearToGammaSpaceExact(linRGB.g), LinearToGammaSpaceExact(linRGB.b));

4.2.3 描述顶点布局格式的结构体

//Line 51~76
struct appdata_base {
    float4 vertex : POSITION;//顶点坐标
    float3 normal : NORMAL;//顶点法线
    float4 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;//顶点使用的第一层纹理坐标
struct appdata_tan {
    float4 vertex : POSITION;
    float4 tangent : TANGENT;//顶点切线
    float3 normal : NORMAL;
    float4 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
struct appdata_full {
    float4 vertex : POSITION;
    float4 tangent : TANGENT;
    float3 normal : NORMAL;
    float4 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
    float4 texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1;//顶点使用的第一层纹理坐标(如静态光照贴图uv)
    float4 texcoord2 : TEXCOORD2;//顶点使用的第二层纹理坐标(如动态光照贴图uv)
    float4 texcoord3 : TEXCOORD3;//顶点使用的第三层纹理坐标
    fixed4 color : COLOR;//顶点颜色

4.2.4 用于空间变换的工具函数
float3 UnityObjectToWorldNormal( in float3 norm )
float3 UnityWorldSpaceLightDir( in float3 worldPos )
float3 UnityWorldSpaceViewDir( in float3 worldPos )

//Line 129~241
// Tranforms position from world to homogenous space
inline float4 UnityWorldToClipPos( in float3 pos )
    return mul(UNITY_MATRIX_VP, float4(pos, 1.0));

// Tranforms position from view to homogenous space
inline float4 UnityViewToClipPos( in float3 pos )
    return mul(UNITY_MATRIX_P, float4(pos, 1.0));

// Tranforms position from object to camera space
inline float3 UnityObjectToViewPos( in float3 pos )
    return mul(UNITY_MATRIX_V, mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(pos, 1.0))).xyz;
// overload for float4; avoids "implicit truncation" warning for existing shaders
inline float3 UnityObjectToViewPos(float4 pos) 
    return UnityObjectToViewPos(pos.xyz);

// Tranforms position from world to camera space
inline float3 UnityWorldToViewPos( in float3 pos )
    return mul(UNITY_MATRIX_V, float4(pos, 1.0)).xyz;

// Transforms direction from object to world space
inline float3 UnityObjectToWorldDir( in float3 dir )
    return normalize(mul((float3x3)unity_ObjectToWorld, dir));

// Transforms direction from world to object space
inline float3 UnityWorldToObjectDir( in float3 dir )
    return normalize(mul((float3x3)unity_WorldToObject, dir));

// Transforms normal from object to world space
inline float3 UnityObjectToWorldNormal( in float3 norm )
    return UnityObjectToWorldDir(norm);
    // mul(IT_M, norm) => mul(norm, I_M) => {dot(norm, I_M.col0), dot(norm, I_M.col1), dot(norm, I_M.col2)}
    return normalize(mul(norm, (float3x3)unity_WorldToObject));

// Computes world space light direction, from world space position
inline float3 UnityWorldSpaceLightDir( in float3 worldPos )
        return _WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz - worldPos * _WorldSpaceLightPos0.w;
        return _WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz - worldPos;
        return _WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz;

// Computes world space light direction, from object space position
// *Legacy* Please use UnityWorldSpaceLightDir instead
inline float3 WorldSpaceLightDir( in float4 localPos )
    float3 worldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, localPos).xyz;
    return UnityWorldSpaceLightDir(worldPos);

// Computes object space light direction
inline float3 ObjSpaceLightDir( in float4 v )
    float3 objSpaceLightPos = mul(unity_WorldToObject, _WorldSpaceLightPos0).xyz;
        return objSpaceLightPos.xyz - v.xyz * _WorldSpaceLightPos0.w;
        return objSpaceLightPos.xyz - v.xyz;
        return objSpaceLightPos.xyz;

// Computes world space view direction, from object space position
inline float3 UnityWorldSpaceViewDir( in float3 worldPos )
    return _WorldSpaceCameraPos.xyz - worldPos;

// Computes world space view direction, from object space position
// *Legacy* Please use UnityWorldSpaceViewDir instead
inline float3 WorldSpaceViewDir( in float4 localPos )
    float3 worldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, localPos).xyz;
    return UnityWorldSpaceViewDir(worldPos);

// Computes object space view direction
inline float3 ObjSpaceViewDir( in float4 v )
    float3 objSpaceCameraPos = mul(unity_WorldToObject, float4(_WorldSpaceCameraPos.xyz, 1)).xyz;
    return objSpaceCameraPos - v.xyz;

// Declares 3x3 matrix 'rotation', filled with tangent space basis
    float3 binormal = cross( normalize(v.normal), normalize(v.tangent.xyz) ) * v.tangent.w; \
    float3x3 rotation = float3x3( v.tangent.xyz, binormal, v.normal )

4.2.5 与光照计算相关的工具函数

//Line 246~318
float3 Shade4PointLights (
    float4 lightPosX, float4 lightPosY, float4 lightPosZ,
    float3 lightColor0, float3 lightColor1, float3 lightColor2, float3 lightColor3,
    float4 lightAttenSq,
    float3 pos, float3 normal)
    // to light vectors
    float4 toLightX = lightPosX - pos.x;
    float4 toLightY = lightPosY - pos.y;
    float4 toLightZ = lightPosZ - pos.z;
    // squared lengths
    float4 lengthSq = 0;
    lengthSq += toLightX * toLightX;
    lengthSq += toLightY * toLightY;
    lengthSq += toLightZ * toLightZ;
    // don't produce NaNs if some vertex position overlaps with the light
    lengthSq = max(lengthSq, 0.000001);

    // NdotL
    float4 ndotl = 0;
    ndotl += toLightX * normal.x;
    ndotl += toLightY * normal.y;
    ndotl += toLightZ * normal.z;
    // correct NdotL
    float4 corr = rsqrt(lengthSq);
    ndotl = max (float4(0,0,0,0), ndotl * corr);
    // attenuation
    float4 atten = 1.0 / (1.0 + lengthSq * lightAttenSq);
    float4 diff = ndotl * atten;
    // final color
    float3 col = 0;
    col += lightColor0 * diff.x;
    col += lightColor1 * diff.y;
    col += lightColor2 * diff.z;
    col += lightColor3 * diff.w;
    return col;

// Used in Vertex pass: Calculates diffuse lighting from lightCount lights. Specifying true to spotLight is more expensive
// to calculate but lights are treated as spot lights otherwise they are treated as point lights.
float3 ShadeVertexLightsFull (float4 vertex, float3 normal, int lightCount, bool spotLight)
    float3 viewpos = UnityObjectToViewPos (vertex);
    float3 viewN = normalize (mul ((float3x3)UNITY_MATRIX_IT_MV, normal));

    float3 lightColor = UNITY_LIGHTMODEL_AMBIENT.xyz;
    for (int i = 0; i < lightCount; i++) {
        float3 toLight = unity_LightPosition[i].xyz - viewpos.xyz * unity_LightPosition[i].w;
        float lengthSq = dot(toLight, toLight);

        // don't produce NaNs if some vertex position overlaps with the light
        lengthSq = max(lengthSq, 0.000001);

        toLight *= rsqrt(lengthSq);

        float atten = 1.0 / (1.0 + lengthSq * unity_LightAtten[i].z);
        if (spotLight)
            float rho = max (0, dot(toLight, unity_SpotDirection[i].xyz));
            float spotAtt = (rho - unity_LightAtten[i].x) * unity_LightAtten[i].y;
            atten *= saturate(spotAtt);

        float diff = max (0, dot (viewN, toLight));
        lightColor += unity_LightColor[i].rgb * (diff * atten);
    return lightColor;
float3 ShadeVertexLights (float4 vertex, float3 normal)
    return ShadeVertexLightsFull (vertex, normal, 4, false);
//Line 435~438
// Transforms 2D UV by scale/bias property
#define TRANSFORM_TEX(tex,name) (tex.xy * name##_ST.xy + name##_ST.zw)

// Deprecated. Used to transform 4D UV by a fixed function texture matrix. Now just returns the passed UV.
#define TRANSFORM_UV(idx) v.texcoord.xy


//Line 442~455
struct v2f_vertex_lit {
    float2 uv   : TEXCOORD0;
    fixed4 diff : COLOR0;
    fixed4 spec : COLOR1;

inline fixed4 VertexLight( v2f_vertex_lit i, sampler2D mainTex )
    fixed4 texcol = tex2D( mainTex, i.uv );
    fixed4 c;
    c.xyz = ( texcol.xyz * i.diff.xyz + i.spec.xyz * texcol.a );
    c.w = texcol.w * i.diff.w;
    return c;


// Calculates UV offset for parallax bump mapping
inline float2 ParallaxOffset( half h, half height, half3 viewDir )
    h = h * height - height/2.0;
    float3 v = normalize(viewDir);
    v.z += 0.42;
    return h * (v.xy / v.z);


// Converts color to luminance (grayscale)
inline half Luminance(half3 rgb)
    return dot(rgb, unity_ColorSpaceLuminance.rgb);
// Convert rgb to luminance
// with rgb in linear space with sRGB primaries and D65 white point
half LinearRgbToLuminance(half3 linearRgb)
    return dot(linearRgb, half3(0.2126729f,  0.7151522f, 0.0721750f));

4.2.6 与HDR及光照贴图颜色编解码相关的工具函数

高动态范围(high dynamic range,HDR)光照是一种用来实现超过了显示器所能表现的亮度范围的渲染技术。如果采用8位通道存储每一个颜色的RGB分量,则每个分量亮度级别只有256种。显然,只有256个亮度级别是不足以描述自然界中的亮度差别的情况的,如太阳的亮度可能是一个白炽灯亮度的数千倍,这将远远超出当前显示器的亮度表示能力。HDR技术就是将尽可能大的亮度能编码到尽可能小的存储空间里。如果线性的缩小,则可能导致颜色带状阶跃的问题,不够平滑渐变。所以实际的HDR一般遵循如下几步:1.在每个颜色通道是16或者32位的浮点纹理或者渲染目标上渲染当前的场景。2.使用RGBM、LogLuv等编码方式节省所需的内存和带宽。3.通过降采样计算场景亮度。4.根据场景亮度值做一个色调映射(tone mapping),将最终颜色值输出到每通道8位的RGB格式的渲染目标上。


RGBM是一种颜色编码方式,M即shared multiplier。根据Unity3D文档介绍,如果是在伽马工作流中,M取值范围是[0,5]。如果是在线性工作流中,M取值范围是[0,pow(5,2.2)]。如上所述,为了解决精度不足以存储亮度范围信息的问题,可以创建一个精度更高的浮点渲染目标,但使用高精度的浮点渲染目标会带来性能问题,即需要更高的内存存储空间和更高的带宽。并且有些硬件无法操作16位浮点渲染目标像8位精度渲染目标那么快速。为了解决这个问题,需要采用一种编码方法把高范围数据编码进以8位颜色分量存储的数据。编码方式有很多种,如RGBM、LogLuv编码等。假如有一个给定的包含了RGB颜色分量的颜色值color,定义了一个编码后的取值“最大范围值”maxRGBM,将其编码成一个含有R、G、B、M这4个分量的颜色值的步骤如Unity3D引擎提供的UnityEncodeRGBM函数所示。

//Line 480~583 
half4 UnityEncodeRGBM (half3 color, float maxRGBM)
    float kOneOverRGBMMaxRange = 1.0 / maxRGBM;
    const float kMinMultiplier = 2.0 * 1e-2;

    float3 rgb = color * kOneOverRGBMMaxRange;
    float alpha = max(max(rgb.r, rgb.g), max(rgb.b, kMinMultiplier));
    alpha = ceil(alpha * 255.0) / 255.0;

    // Division-by-zero warning from d3d9, so make compiler happy.
    alpha = max(alpha, kMinMultiplier);

    return half4(rgb / alpha, alpha);
// Decodes HDR textures
// handles dLDR, RGBM formats
inline half3 DecodeHDR (half4 data, half4 decodeInstructions)
    // Take into account texture alpha if decodeInstructions.w is true(the alpha value affects the RGB channels)
    half alpha = decodeInstructions.w * (data.a - 1.0) + 1.0;

    // If Linear mode is not supported we can skip exponent part
        return (decodeInstructions.x * alpha) * data.rgb;
    #   if defined(UNITY_USE_NATIVE_HDR)
            return decodeInstructions.x * data.rgb; // Multiplier for future HDRI relative to absolute conversion.
    #   else
            return (decodeInstructions.x * pow(alpha, decodeInstructions.y)) * data.rgb;
    #   endif
// Decodes HDR textures
// handles dLDR, RGBM formats
// Called by DecodeLightmap when UNITY_NO_RGBM is not defined.
inline half3 DecodeLightmapRGBM (half4 data, half4 decodeInstructions)
    // If Linear mode is not supported we can skip exponent part
        return (decodeInstructions.x * data.a) * sqrt(data.rgb);
    # else
        return (decodeInstructions.x * data.a) * data.rgb;
    # endif
        return (decodeInstructions.x * pow(data.a, decodeInstructions.y)) * data.rgb;

// Decodes doubleLDR encoded lightmaps.
inline half3 DecodeLightmapDoubleLDR( fixed4 color )
    float multiplier = IsGammaSpace() ? 2.0f : GammaToLinearSpace(2.0f).x;
    return multiplier * color.rgb;

inline half3 DecodeLightmap( fixed4 color, half4 decodeInstructions)
#if defined(UNITY_NO_RGBM)
    return DecodeLightmapDoubleLDR( color );
    return DecodeLightmapRGBM( color, decodeInstructions );

half4 unity_Lightmap_HDR;

inline half3 DecodeLightmap( fixed4 color )
    return DecodeLightmap( color, unity_Lightmap_HDR );

half4 unity_DynamicLightmap_HDR;

// Decodes Enlighten RGBM encoded lightmaps
// NOTE: Enlighten dynamic texture RGBM format is _different_ from standard Unity HDR textures
// (such as Baked Lightmaps, Reflection Probes and IBL images)
// Instead Enlighten provides RGBM texture in _Linear_ color space with _different_ exponent.
// WARNING: 3 pow operations, might be very expensive for mobiles!
inline half3 DecodeRealtimeLightmap( fixed4 color )
    //@TODO: Temporary until Geomerics gives us an API to convert lightmaps to RGBM in gamma space on the enlighten thread before we upload the textures.
    return pow ((unity_DynamicLightmap_HDR.x * color.a) * sqrt(color.rgb), unity_DynamicLightmap_HDR.y);
    return pow ((unity_DynamicLightmap_HDR.x * color.a) * color.rgb, unity_DynamicLightmap_HDR.y);

inline half3 DecodeDirectionalLightmap (half3 color, fixed4 dirTex, half3 normalWorld)
    // In directional (non-specular) mode Enlighten bakes dominant light direction
    // in a way, that using it for half Lambert and then dividing by a "rebalancing coefficient"
    // gives a result close to plain diffuse response lightmaps, but normalmapped.

    // Note that dir is not unit length on purpose. Its length is "directionality", like
    // for the directional specular lightmaps.

    half halfLambert = dot(normalWorld, dirTex.xyz - 0.5) + 0.5;

    return color * halfLambert / max(1e-4h, dirTex.w);

4.2.7 把高精度数据编码到低精度缓冲区的函数

//Line 586~651
// Encoding/decoding [0..1) floats into 8 bit/channel RGBA. Note that 1.0 will not be encoded properly.
inline float4 EncodeFloatRGBA( float v )
    float4 kEncodeMul = float4(1.0, 255.0, 65025.0, 16581375.0);
    float kEncodeBit = 1.0/255.0;
    float4 enc = kEncodeMul * v;
    enc = frac (enc);
    enc -= enc.yzww * kEncodeBit;
    return enc;
inline float DecodeFloatRGBA( float4 enc )
    float4 kDecodeDot = float4(1.0, 1/255.0, 1/65025.0, 1/16581375.0);
    return dot( enc, kDecodeDot );

// Encoding/decoding [0..1) floats into 8 bit/channel RG. Note that 1.0 will not be encoded properly.
inline float2 EncodeFloatRG( float v )
    float2 kEncodeMul = float2(1.0, 255.0);
    float kEncodeBit = 1.0/255.0;
    float2 enc = kEncodeMul * v;
    enc = frac (enc);
    enc.x -= enc.y * kEncodeBit;
    return enc;
inline float DecodeFloatRG( float2 enc )
    float2 kDecodeDot = float2(1.0, 1/255.0);
    return dot( enc, kDecodeDot );

// Encoding/decoding view space normals into 2D 0..1 vector
inline float2 EncodeViewNormalStereo( float3 n )
    float kScale = 1.7777;
    float2 enc;
    enc = n.xy / (n.z+1);
    enc /= kScale;
    enc = enc*0.5+0.5;
    return enc;
inline float3 DecodeViewNormalStereo( float4 enc4 )
    float kScale = 1.7777;
    float3 nn = enc4.xyz*float3(2*kScale,2*kScale,0) + float3(-kScale,-kScale,1);
    float g = 2.0 / dot(nn.xyz,nn.xyz);
    float3 n;
    n.xy = g*nn.xy;
    n.z = g-1;
    return n;
inline float4 EncodeDepthNormal( float depth, float3 normal )
    float4 enc;
    enc.xy = EncodeViewNormalStereo (normal);
    enc.zw = EncodeFloatRG (depth);
    return enc;

inline void DecodeDepthNormal( float4 enc, out float depth, out float3 normal )
    depth = DecodeFloatRG (enc.zw);
    normal = DecodeViewNormalStereo (enc);