#emp_no   PRIMARY
 show index from employees

#等值查询 =

#范围查询 in

#前缀匹配 like 'xx%'

#不等值查询 !=、>、>=、<、<=、not like、not in、like '%xx'、is not null



 explain select * from employees where emp_no = 10001
 #range    #Using where
 explain select * from employees where emp_no !=  10001#const
 explain select * from employees where birth_date = '1953-09-02' and emp_no =  10001#range    
 #Using where
 explain select * from employees where birth_date = '1953-09-02' and emp_no !=  10001#range    
 #Using where
 explain select * from employees where birth_date is not null and emp_no !=  10001

#无论存在多少个其他非索引的列的条件,即使其他列使用了非等值查询、is not NULL、not Like、not in等,存在聚集索引时,都是先根据主键进行查询出相关记录,再根据条件过滤#

 explain select * from employees where first_name =  'Georgi' and last_name =  'Facello' and emp_no =  10001#2.若主键匹配不为等值匹配,将优先使用其他等值匹配的索引索引.
explain select * from employees where first_name =  'Parto1' and emp_no !=  10001#2.2.此时,优先使用last_name辅助索引
explain select * from employees where first_name !=  'Georgi' and last_name =  'Facello' and emp_no !=  10001#3.若不存在其他等值匹配的辅助索引,则将使用聚集索引
explain select * from employees where first_name !=  'Georgi' and last_name !=  'Facello' and birth_date = '1953-09-02' and emp_no !=  10001



 explain select * from employees where first_name =  'Parto1'#前缀字符串匹配 range
 #Using index condition
 explain select * from employees where first_name like  'Parto1%'#非等值查询均为:
 #Using where
 explain select * from employees where first_name !=  'Parto1'
 explain select * from employees where first_name like  '%Parto1'
 explain select * from employees where first_name like  '%Parto1%'
 explain select * from employees where first_name not like  'Parto1%'
 explain select * from employees where first_name is not null#ref
 #Using where
 explain select * from employees where birth_date = '1953-09-02' and first_name =  'Parto1'#all
 #Using where
 explain select * from employees where birth_date = '1953-09-02' and first_name !=  'Parto1'





 #Using intersect(idx_last_name,idx_first_name); Using where
 explain select * from employees where first_name =  'Saniya' and last_name = 'Bamford'#range
 #Using index condition; Using where; Using MRR
 explain select * from employees where first_name =  'Saniya' and last_name like 'Bamfo%'#range
 #Using index condition; Using where; Using MRR
 explain select * from employees where first_name like  'Sani%' and last_name like 'Bamfo%'#index_merge
 #Using intersect(idx_last_name,idx_first_name); Using where
 explain select * from employees where first_name =  'Saniya' and last_name = 'Bamford' and birth_date = '1953-09-02'


#ref (使用了idx_first_name)
 #Using where
 explain select * from employees where first_name =  'Saniya' and last_name != 'Bamford'#all
 #Using where
 explain select * from employees where first_name !=  'Patricio' and last_name != 'Bamford'#all
 #Using where
 explain select * from employees where first_name !=  'Patricio' and last_name is not null

#1.1 当所有的列均为索引,且为等值查询,仍将采用index_merge 进行查询
#1.2 若有一列不是索引,此时将全表扫描;
#1.3 若至少有一列的索引不是等值查询,此时将全表扫描

 #Using union(idx_first_name,idx_last_name); Using where
 explain select * from employees where first_name =  'Saniya' OR last_name = 'Bamford'#ALL
 #Using where
 explain select * from employees where first_name =  'Saniya' OR last_name != 'Bamford'#ALL
 #Using where
 explain select * from employees where first_name =  'Saniya' OR last_name = 'Bamford' OR birth_date = '1953-09-02'


即使在使用了不等值查询、使用了 is null、is not null 、OR, 也不能说该查询一定不走索引(见红色标注部分).

#1.1 当所有的列均为索引,且为等值查询,仍将采用index_merge 进行查询
#1.2 若有一列不是索引,此时将全表扫描;
#1.3 若至少有一列的索引不是等值查询,此时将全表扫描


若聚集索引为等值匹配,只要是AND 连接,那么一定是使用聚集索引,如果是 OR 连接,则按照上述OR 连接规则处理;