When I was a I have heard one thing that a broken man who just lost his girlfriend suicide after listening to a dark music “Black Friday”.It was said that his girlfriend was died.He loved her so much.He couldn’t bear the suffer of losing her.I think he had the idea of dying for love from the beginning,and the dark music just promoted him to do that.It was a big news at that time.I had search the music on internet,I was not sure if it was .
Most of these songs are banned.The song I found was kind of metal music.Its melody was changing extremely.sometimes it was extremely high and then extremely low with the sound of exhaustion.It gave people a sense of despair.Maybe the emotion expressed by the music resonated with the man.

But it didn’t affect me.Maybe I was a happy boy at that time,there was no unfortunate things which happened to me.I believe that music bring us happy in most of time.But It depends on what kind of music you listen to.Even though I am an adult now.But I still love to hear lullabies.

Music can improves our memory.I have heard that always listening tho the music of Mozart can develop our brain.When I was stressful,listening to music helps me reduce stress and anxiety.

I also love to listen to classic symphonies,especially the New Year Concert.Music improves my workouts.Music also helps patient heal.In modern world,Many diseases are related to emotions.When someone has insomia,music can help improve his sleep quality.

Music is a great way to change or enhance anyone’s mood.Studies show that listening to classical music can have positive effects on learning and attitude.I suggest that everyone should learn to play a kind of instrument.Because playing a instrument stimulates our brain and can increase our memory capacity.No one can play a piece of music perfectly the first time.But Keep in mind,playing an instrument perfectly is not our goal.Don’t bother it anymore.Our goal is enhance our hand-eye coordination.Because Playing an instrument requires good hand-eye coordination.

By reading musical notes on a page,your brain subconsciously must convert that note into specific motor patterns while also adding breathing and rhythm to the mix.
And playing music requires you to concentrate on many things at the same time.including pitch,rhythm,tempo,note duration,and quality of sound.