
--判断出 重复数据和新增数据;分别导入sanya_result_test_new和sanya_result_test_old表中

--首先根据店铺名称和 NM_SITE_ENT(is_zt字段标记1 意为新增) 表中的ENT_NAME进行对比,
--如果该店铺在 NM_SITE_ENT 表中存在,则不需要向NM_SITE_ENT中插入数据,取出对应的site_ent_id,向nm_shop表中插入一条数据,

--2.如果店铺不在NM_SITE_ENT 中存在
--向NM_SITE_ENT 中插入一条数据
--ENT_NAME(主体名称,店铺名称),IS_ILLEGAL(是否合法,默认是0),ADD_TIME(添加日期默认当前),AREA(网站所属区域 100三亚,101陵水,102保亭,103乐东),MANAGER_ILLEGAL(判定结果默认 0),EST_DATE(成立日期),ZT_ADDRESS(地址),REGISTERED_CAPITA(注册资本),LEGAL_REPRESENTATIVE(法定代表人),ENTERPRISE_TYPE(企业类型),BUSINESS_SCOPE(经营范围),IS_ZT(状态 新增 为2)
--在向nm_shop中添加一条数据 site_ent_id 是刚才插入NM_SITE_ENT中的site_ent_id ,shop_id自动生成

select * from PUB_CODETABLE where codetable='sjly'

--添加中国通用网 和 悠哉旅游网 两个平台。

--3.如果下次插入数据 首先将NM_SITE_ENT 中的IS_ZT为2的更新为0(is_zt字段标记2 意为新增)
--NM_SITE_ENT表中的IS_ZT字段意义:2 是新增, 1是旧的, 0是不存在

update nm_site_ent t set t.add_time =sysdate where t.is_zt =2;


SELECT * FROM nm_shop t WHERE 1=1 AND to_char(add_time,'YYYY-MM-DD HH12:MI:SS') like '%2016-07-27 11:43:00%';

INSERT INTO nm_site_ent2 (SELECT * FROM nm_site_ent);

create table table_name1 as select * from table_name2


1 酒店 100 1001
2 美食 106 10602
3 度假 104 10406
4 婚纱摄影 107 107
5 租车 105 10501
6 跟团游 104 10401
7 景点门票 109 109

select * from pub_codetable where codetable='big'

--exp sywj/sywj@ORCL file=nm_shop_good.dmp tables=(nm_shop_good)

nm_shop 店铺表

nm_site_ent 主体表

nm_shop_type 店铺分类表

nm_evaluation 评论表

--阶段统计 sql
select a.shop_id as 店铺编号,a.shop_name as 店铺名称,
a.platform_code as 平台编号,a.shop_address as 店铺地址 ,a.shop_url as url,
a.ev_num as 总评数量,a.bad_ev_num as 总差评数,
(select count(1) from z_nm_evaluation_totle6789 b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and (substr(b.ev_time, 6, 1)='8' or substr(b.ev_time, 6, 1)='6') ) as 啊6到7月总评论数,
(select count(1) from z_nm_evaluation_totle6789 b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and b.is_bad='1' and (substr(b.ev_time, 6, 1)='8' or substr(b.ev_time, 6, 1)='7')) as 啊6到7月差评论数,
(select count(1) from z_nm_evaluation_totle6789 b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and (substr(b.ev_time, 6, 1)='8' or substr(b.ev_time, 6, 1)='9') ) as 啊8到9月总评论数,
(select count(1) from z_nm_evaluation_totle6789 b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and b.is_bad='1' and (substr(b.ev_time, 6, 1)='8' or substr(b.ev_time, 6, 1)='9')) as 啊8到9月差评论数
from a_nm_shop_8_9 a

update a_nm_evaluation_8_9_kai_tm_2 set ev_time=replace(ev_time,substr(ev_time,8,1),'') where ev_time like '_______0%'