要考英语了, 单词一大堆, 索性就用Python自动到网上找单词的中文意思了~.
    写的过程中,终于知道编码问题是多么的严重了. 下次一定要用chardet这个库了,方便快捷...

# http://dict.youdao.com/search?q=hello&tab=chn&keyfrom=dict.result can' use it , be-
# cause it is python's bug
import urllib
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import sys
global    file

def getWebContent(url, word):
        html = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
        #html = html.decode("gb2312","ignore").encode("utf-8","ignore")
        html = unicode(html,"gb2312","ignore").encode("utf-8","ignore")
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
        #filter 1
        data = str(soup.find("div", {"class":"explain"}))
        #strContent = data.renderContents()+"\n" # default the string s is coded with ASCII
                                                                                                     # but the original is UTF-8, because the
                                                                                                     # beautifulSoup use it...
        #fileter 2
        soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
        # beautifulsoup generator http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/documentation.zh.html#Generators
        outtext=''.join([element    for element in soup.recursiveChildGenerator() if isinstance(element,unicode)])
        #make some rendering
        for item in range(1,10):
                outtext=outtext.replace(str(item),"\n%s" % str(item))
        outtext=outtext.replace("    ","\n")
        outtext =word +":\n" +outtext +"\n"
        print outtext.decode("utf-8").encode("gbk")

def word_FromFile():
        file = open("F:/Whu/EnghlishWords.txt","r")
        for word in file.readlines():
                print isinstance(word, unicode)
                print word.decode("utf-8")

                #must be carefully!!!
                #because we use the utf-8 to store the Chinese words in notepad
                #it will add another 3 words to mark
                #     if file[:3] == codes.BOM_UTF8;
                #            data = data[3:]
                #            print data.decode("utf-8")
                url = "http://dict.baidu.com/s?wd=%s" % word
                getWebContent(url, word)
if __name__ == '__main__':
        file = open("F:/Whu/EnghlishWords_translate.txt",'w')