


When you use terminal/putty/secureCRT, you can mistakenly type ctrl-s. It makes terminal freeze. It is because ctrl-s is an flow control signal to terminals. To resume the terminal, you should push ctrl-q.

This is not very convenient solution. We use ctrl-s a lot, especially for EMACS users. To prevent this, you can add this line in your login script (e.g. .bashrc)

stty stop undef
You can confirm this setting using this command.

stty -a
The stop section should be undef.



CTRL-S and CTRL-Q are called flow-control characters. They represent an antiquated way of stopping and restarting the flow of output from one device to another (e.g., from the computer to your terminal) that was useful when the speed of such output was low. They are rather obsolete in these days of high-speed networks. In fact, under the latter conditions, CTRL-S and CTRL-Q are basically a nuisance. The only thing you really need to know about them is that if your screen output becomes “stuck,” then you may have hit CTRL-S by accident. Type CTRL-Q to restart the output; any keys you may have hit in between will then take effect.