创建用户 create user zabbix@'10.0.0.%' identified by '123';

查询用户 select user,host,password from mysql.user;

删除用户 drop user root@'db02';

创建用户并授权 grant all on . to root@'10.0.0.%' identified by '123';

查询用户权限 show grants for zabbix@'10.0.0.%';

收回权限 revoke create,drop on testdb.* from zabbix@'10.0.0.%';

创建数据库 create database lufei; create database llf CHARACTER SET utf8 ;

查看数据库 show databases; show create database llf; help create database;

删除数据库 drop database llf;

改库的字符集: alter database lf charset utf8mb4;

表: 切换数据库 use lufei; 创建: create table t1 (id int ,name varchar(20)); 查询: show tables; show create table t1; desc 删除 drop table t1; 修改: (1)在表中添加一列 alter table t1 add age int; (2)添加多列 alter table t1 add bridate datetime, add gender enum('M','F'); (3)在指定列后添加一列 alter table t1 add stu_id int after id; (4)在表中最前添加一列 alter table t1 add sid int first; (5)删除列 alter table t1 drop sid; (6)修改列名 alter table t1 change name stu_name varchar(20); (7)修改列属性 alter table t1 modify stu_id varchar(20); (8)修改表名 rename table t1 to student; alter table student rename to stu;


数据插入 use lufei create table t1 (id int ,name varchar(20)); insert into t1 values(1,'zhang3'); select * from t1; insert into t1 values (2,'li4'),(3,'wang5'),(4,'ma6'); //多行数据插入,用逗号隔开 insert into t1(name) values ('xyz'); //指定插入列值的名字

数据修改,更新 update update t1 set name='zhang33' ; ----会更新表中所有行的name字段,比较危险。!!!! update t1 set name='zhang55' where id=1; ----update在使用时一般都会有where条件去限制,不要忽略了set哦!

数据删除 delete delete from t1 ; --删除表中所有行,比较危险。!!! 一行一行删除表中数据。 delete from t1 where id=2;

DDL truncate table t1; ---在物理上删除表数据,速度比较快。清空表数据


select 基本查询 DESC world.city SELECT id ,NAME FROM world.city; SELECT * FROM world.city;

select 条件查询 where ①查询中国(CHN)所有的城市信息 SELECT * FROM world.city WHERE countrycode='CHN'; ②查询中国(CHN)安徽省所有的城市信息。 SELECT * FROM world.city WHERE countrycode='CHN' AND district='anhui'; ③查询世界上人口数量在10w-20w城市信息 SELECT * FROM world.city WHERE population BETWEEN 100000 AND 200000 ; ④中国或者日本的所有城市信息 where字句中的IN SELECT * FROM world.city WHERE countrycode IN ('CHN','JPN'); ⑤模糊查询 SELECT * FROM world.city WHERE countrycode LIKE 'ch%';

select 排序并限制 ①按照人口数量排序输出中国的城市信息(ASC\DESC) SELECT * FROM world.city WHERE countrycode='CHN' ORDER BY population ASC; SELECT * FROM world.city WHERE countrycode='CHN' ORDER BY population DESC;

②按照多列排序人口+省排序 SELECT * FROM world.city WHERE countrycode='CHN' ORDER BY id DESC ;


1-10 SELECT * FROM world.city WHERE countrycode='CHN' ORDER BY 5 DESC LIMIT 20;

11-20 SELECT * FROM world.city WHERE countrycode='CHN' ORDER BY 5 DESC LIMIT 10,10 ; //跳过前10,接着选10个出来

**** 牢牢记住下面join on这种语句即可!!! SELECT ci.name ,ci.countrycode,ci.population ,co.name FROM city AS ci JOIN country AS co ON ci.countrycode=co.code AND ci.name='qingdao';

group by +聚合函数(avg()、max()、min()、sum())

SELECT countrycode ,SUM(population) FROM city WHERE countrycode = 'chn' GROUP BY countrycode; //注:不加group by显示出来的结果也是一样的,目前没看出来区别呢?


alter database oldboy CHARACTER SET utf8 collate utf8_general_ci; alter table t1 CHARACTER SET latin1;


列属性 primary key 主键:非空、唯一 unique:唯一 create table student(id int not null primary key AUTO_INCREMENT); create table student1(id int not null primary key AUTO_INCREMENT,name varchar(20))charset utf8; create table teacher(id int not null ,name varchar(20) not null); create table teacher1(id int not null ,name varchar(20) not null,beizhu varchar(20) not null default "ok");

mysqldump -uroot -poldboy123 world country >> /bakcup/world_country.bak.sql

####sql语句拼接方法:!!! 注意:变量前后都用逗号分隔开 select concat("mysqldump -uroot -poldboy123 ",table_schema," ",table_name," >>","/backup/",table_schema,"_",table_name,".bak.sql") from information_schema.tables where table_schema='world';

常用命令: show databases show create database oldboy show tables show create table t1 SOHW databases:列出所有数据库 SHOW TABLES:列出默认数据库中的表 SHOW TABLES FROM <database_name>:列出指定数据库中的表 SHOW COLUMNS FROM <table_name>:显示表的列结构 SHOW INDEX FROM <table_name>:显示表中有关索引和索引列的信息 SHOW CHARACTER SET:显示可用的字符集及其默认整理 SHOW COLLATION:显示每个字符集的整理 SHOW STATUS:列出当前数据库状态 SHOW VARIABLES:列出数据库中的参数定义值