精选 转载Red symbolizes passion, aggressiveness, power, and also help stimulate the energy, vitality. This color has a productivity effect, struggle, competition and the red color, however kebirahian also has a negative meaning of anger and emergency
Greens have a natural taste, refreshing, calm, health and healing qualities. Color is widely used in the design beruhubungan with herbal remedies, activities related to the environment. On the other side of the green symbolized as money, it shows the greed, also shows a lack of experience or a beginner
Orange is a combination of red and yellow. Orange color symbolizes enthusiasm, a sense of openness and friendliness. This color is the color of joy, happiness, joy. On the Blog can enhance mental activity. Besides, the color of Orange gave a strong impression on the elements that are considered important. Orange color has a negative meaning of ignorance and lies
The blue color symbolizes peace, reliable, confidence. This color gives the impression calm and stressed the desire. Blue eyes did not ask for attention. Objects and blue p_w_picpaths can basically create a feeling of cold and calm. Blue color can also display the power of technology, cleanliness, air, water and deep water. In addition, if combined with red and yellow colors can give the impression of trust and health. The blue color has a negative meaning of depression, indifference
The black means power, eternity and depth. Sometimes black is negatively related to binding, strength, formality, mystery, wealth, fear, evil, unhappiness, feelings of deep sadness, anger, something that violates (underground), modern music, self esteem, anti-establishment.
Showing peace, apology, self achievement, spirituality, divinity, virginity or chastity, simplicity, perfection, cleanliness, light, takbersalah, security, unity. Very nice white color to display or emphasize other colors and give the impression of simplicity and cleanliness. White is the universal color for peace. And white has a negative meaning as cold and distant colors
Purple means the color royalty, wealth and kemewahaan. Color purple can also show the influence, third view, spiritual strength, knowledge is hidden, high aspirations, nobility, ceremony, mystery, enlightenment, telepathy, empathy, arrogant, intuition, trust in, ambition, magic or miracle, self-esteem. And the negative side of the color purple is sadness
Often in yellow means represents intelligence, optimism, joy. Yellow color stimulates mental activity and attract attention, is very effectively used in the blogsite that emphasizes the feelings of happiness and childish. Yellow color has a negative meaning laziness and jealousy.
Brown color indicates friendship, special events, earth, materialistic thinking, reliability, peace, productivity, practical, hard work. Brown color is not attractive when used without additional p_w_picpath and certain ornaments, brown ornaments must be supported by others so interesting. But the color of chocolate may also mean dirty, dull, and boring.
Pink means spring, gifts, appreciation, admiration, sympathy, health, love, June, marriage, femininity, (feminine), youth (youth). Pink Color can also exhibit a symbol of affection and love, friendship, femininity, trust, goodwill, the treatment of emotion, peace, feeling fine, feeling a sweet and beautiful. And pink negative meaning is Homosexuality, Bisexuality, naive, weaknesses, shortcomings.
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