问题描述:在Fefora下用Firefox浏览器打开网页时发现很多flash显示不了,并提示安装缺失插件。于是点击“安装缺失插件”,进入Adobeflash player的下载地址,下载了linux32位系统的.tar.gz的安装包。
      安装步骤:将安装包移动到/opt目录下,tar xvzf解压,然后下面有usr目录和Readme文档,还有一个libflashplayer.so文件。其实具体到安装步骤就在Readme文档中:

Installing using the plugin tar.gz:

o Unpack theplugin tar.gz and copy the files to the appropriatelocation.

o Save theplugin tar.gz locally and note the location the file was savedto.

o Launchterminal and change directories to the location the file was savedto.

o Unpack thetar.gz file.
Once unpacked you will see thefollowing:


+ /usr

o Identifythe location of the browser plugins directory, based on your Linuxdistribution and Firefox version

o Copylibflashplayer.so to the appropriate browser pluginsdirectory.
At the prompt type:

+ cplibflashlayer.so

o Copy theFlash Player Local Settings configurations files to the /usrdirectory.
At the prompt type:

+ sudo cp -rusr/* /usr

Installing the plugin using RPM:

o As root, enter interminal:

+ # rpm -Uvh

+ Click Enter key and follow prompts

Installing the standalone player:

o Unpack the tar.gz file

o To execute the standaloneplayer,

+ Double-click, or

+ Enter in terminal: ./flashplayer

Uninstallation instructions


Manual uninstallation (for users who installed the plugin viaInstall script):

o Delete libflashplayer.sobinary and flashplayer.xpt file in


RPM uninstallation:

o As root, enter interminal:

+ # rpm -e flash-plugin

+ Click Enter key and follow prompts