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:help gdb-mappings 查看默认键映射

Mappings *gdb-mappings*

The gdb() function accepts a string as single argument which is sent to GDB as
a GDB command. This can be used to map any command to a key sequence. Examples
of such mappings are given in 'macros/gdb_mappings.vim'. To use those
mappings, source the script: >
vim normal模式下装载gdb:
    :run macros/gdb_mappings.vim
The key <F7> is used to toggle between the 'gdb_mappings.vim' mappings and the
default Vim mappings.
List of key mappings in 'gdb_mappings.vim':
<Space> launch the interactive gdb input-line window
CTRL-Z  send an interrupt to GDB and the program it is running
B info breakpoints
L info locals
A info args
S step
I stepi
CTRL-N next: next source line, skipping all function calls
X nexti
F finish
R run
Q quit
C continue
W where
CTRL-U up: go up one frame
CTRL-D down: go down one frame
CTRL-B set a breakpoint on the line where the cursor is located
CTRL-E clear all breakpoints on the line where the cursor is located
CTRL-P Normal mode: print value of word under cursor
Visual mode: GDB command "createvar" selected expression, see
CTRL-X print value of data referenced by word under cursor
CTRL-B and CTRL-E operate both on source code and on disassembled code in
assembly buffers.