Internet is very magical, it's changing our life constantly since it was born. we can find more and more information on the Internet, as the bandwidth connect to the Internet is keep on increasing, we can use some new forms of the information on the Internet. At the beginning, we use text-based information, like simple e-mail,html page,or character only bbs. Next, we add some pictures, audio files to the flat web page, people try to use FTP protocol to transfer large files between the hosts through the Internet. Then, people uploaded more multimedia information to the Internet, like flash, movie...
The virtual communication center will be widely used in our company from now on, we can save a lot of traveling cost by this new Internet or Intranet based tool. we can use this tool to hold meeting, deliver training, attend seminar or group discussing,etc. what you need is only a computer, a headset, a stable Internet connection, and maybe a webcam. then we can use the virtual communication center to share our ideas, exchange our thoughts, discuss questions etc. the presenter and participants can share their desktop with others, can present slides, draw or type on the virtual white board,give lecture. these activities are very similar to what we have in the real world. but if the network bandwidth is low or the latency is too long, people will get a bad experience.
For company, virtual communication can save money. For employees, they will lost some opportunities to travel, some people like to visit new places by a chance of business trip. they will think this opportunities as benefits. Some people don't like the virtual communication because they feel uncomfortable when they speak to machine rather than a real person.
Anyway, this project takes effect already, I hope it can really help us to do more with less.