Purpose of testing:Understand performance of building up drools rule engine and evaluating rules when number of rules grow. In this testing, we generate rules that contain 3 variables, each vari
Various netty tricks, mostly about error handling
Risk NameRisk DescriptionPreventionSQL InjectionInput some sql statement in html form's text field (For example, search condition), which may cause additional harmful SQL (Eg. delete) to be executed w
概述:核心技术要求:不丢单,分布式订单抓取订单下拉技术选择,推送还是抓取?目前采取定时抓取的方式,抓取的方式更加合理,因为可以控制订单流入的速度,防止超出后台系统的处理能力. 一般采取按时间分片的方法: 每次任务执行抓取一个时间段内的订单,为了保证订单不丢失,我们会让每个时间片边界有几秒的重叠.作为订单中台,往往会从多个平台抓取订单, 那么我们可以考虑分配多个服务器来完成订单抓取任务,
Solr.LatLongType Definition: <fieldType name="location" class="solr.LatLonType" subFieldSuffix="_coordstore"/><dynamicField name="*_c
Memcached is a high performance centralized cache system that stores data as key/value pair. It is usually used as L2 cache that serves as a database front. However, memcached lack of features that ty
Problem1: There is no grammar information generated in wadlCause:org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.model.wadl.WadlGeneratorrelies on org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.ResourceUtilsto create a JAXBContext, without a JAXBC
Apache mod cache Two files will be created, containing cache-data and cache-header To store items in the cache, mod_cache_disk creates a 22 character hash of the URL being requested. This ha
Swagger JavadocLink:https://github.com/ryankennedy/swagger-jaxrs-doclet Usage:Allow swagger definition json file to begenerated on building the maven project. Add the following to your rest
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