最近遇到一个Citrix Secure Gateway 的 web interface 极不稳定的问题, 用户访问web interface的时候会遇到internal error或者是Citrix published apps压根就不显示。

经过排查发现ASP.Net 有Timeout的警告,在MSDN上发现如下解决方案,不过MSDN上的是针对Dynamics CRM Web Interface 的。 我这里大致翻译一下

Have you ever had users complain about the CRM web application timing out on large operations? If so, you may want to check the ASP.Net timeout setting.

(你有没有用户抱怨运算量很大时, CRM 网页软件会超时?如果有, 你也许可以查看你的ASP.net timeout的设定值。)

The reason for the warning is that the execution time required by CRM connecting with your remote SQL Server is exceeding the currently set ASP.NET request execution timeout value. By default, this value is initially set to 300 seconds. This may occur for example, when working with Large Marketing Lists of 150,000+ members.

(超时警告的原因是你的CRM连接到远程SQL服务器的时间超过了ASP.net所需要的执行timeout值。 默认值是300秒。 当你的庞大的市场营销名单中包含了150,000+的客户时,就有可能发生类似的警告)

我看了一下我的Citrix Web Interface的值是110秒

The event log entry may look something like the following…

Event code: 3001

Event message: The request has been aborted.

Event time: 11/19/2008 3:37:51 PM

Event time (UTC): 11/19/2008 11:37:51 PM

Event ID: 13998b6749624519856e0b4f83cf6f8b

Event sequence: 302758

Event occurrence: 1

Event detail code: 0

Application information:

Application domain: /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT-1-128716032401801167

Trust level: Full

Application Virtual Path: /

Application Path: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\

Machine name: ContosoCRMweb

Process information:

Process ID: 3656

Process name: w3wp.exe


Exception information:

Exception type: HttpException

Exception message: Request timed out.


How to Modify the ASP.NET request execution timeout setting for Windows Server 2003

(如何在Windows Server 2003中修改Timeout Value)

1. On the computer where Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server application is installed, start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

(打开IIS - 这个大家都没有问题吧)

2. Expand Web Sites, right click the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web site, and then click Properties.

(展开站点 - 右键点击需修改的站点, 这里是MS DYNAMIC WEB, 我的则是CITRIX. 然后点属性)

3. On the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web site properties page, click ASP.NET, and then click Edit Configuration.

(在ASP。net的子页面中,点击Edit Configuration编辑设定按钮)

4. Click the Application tab, and then in the Request execution timeout box increase the number of seconds.

(点击Application 子页面, 然后设定request execution timeout 值)

5. Click OK two times and close IIS Manager.

(点击OK两次, 关闭IIS Manager)

-我这里建议重启一下web server相关服务

Jim Schumacher

