1 抓住重点  concentrate on crucial/critical points
   - 不紧急不重要的事务往往被人当作令人愉快的事务 Those issues which are not urgent and important sometimes are considered as delightful business
   - 紧急但不重要的事务占据了我们大部分的时间  Those issues which are urgent but not important occupy most of daily working time
   - 这些事务不会自动消失  Those issues will not be disappeared automatically
   - 但是花时间在重要不紧急的事务上,你将得到丰厚的回报  You will get the good payback from those issues which are not urgent but important, if you spend time on it
   - 要合理安排时间,不然你将忙于救火  proper arrangement for your time, or you will be a firefighter  
2 以客户为中心  customer-centric
   - 以客户为本   customer-orientation
   - 迅速回应,至少告诉客户你将尽快答复  quick response, at least tell customer you will feedback quickly
   - 使用通俗易懂的语言,因为客户不懂技术用语  do not use technique terms
   - 通知客户你将何时处理问题,并保持承诺   tell customer when you will deal with their problems, and keep your promises
   - 好的服务也包括售后服务”   good service contains after service
   - 不要抱怨客户不好,帮助他们成为好客户  do not complain customer, help them to be good customer
   - 创造增值价值,使客户愿意下次再来   create additional value, make customer be willing to be back
   - 让客户按程序办事,但不要让程序为客户增添烦恼   put customer into a normal official procedure, but do not let customer sick of these procedures
   - 微笑服务  smiling service
   - 拜访客户  visit customer
   - 诚实,不要掩盖错误和疏漏   be honest , do not try to cover your mistake
3 互相学习-合作  learn and cooperate from each other
   - 助人是快乐  helping is happy
   - 被人帮助也是快乐   be help is happy also
   - 不要无谓的重复劳动   do not repeat works pointlessly  
   - 只有我们才能解决问题的想法是荒唐可笑的   it’s ridiculous that only we can solve this problem
   - 在这里出现的问题在别的地方也会出现   this problem occur here may be occur there again
   - 同时解决兄弟工厂的问题往往不增加额外负担   it will not be an added burden that help another site to solve problems
   - 在信息时代,空间的距离是无关紧要的   now we are in information age, space distance will not be a problem anymore
4 产出大于投入   output should be bigger than input
   - 收效必须大于付出的努力   income must be bigger than your effort to help what you have done
   - 事半功倍,不要事倍功半   achieve maximum results with little effort
   - 收益小投入时间长的事情不值得去做   it is not worth to do those business which can get little income, but spend more time on
   - 即使它们很有用even it’s “useful”
   - 时光一去不复返   time is clicking , so you should make your choice
   - “很有意义不等于很重要  significant is not equal to important  
   - 返工,重复劳动,不必要的检查并不增加收益   do poorly done work over again, repeated working, unnecessary checking will not increase income