10200(consistent read buffer status)内部诊断事件可以用于探测一致性读CR(consistent read)块的访问情况,虽然cr读的统计信息可以从v$sysstat或AWR/statspack中获取,但是10200 event还是我们研究Consistent Read一致性读的有力工具。该事件可以通过在会话session级别设置ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 或 DBMS_SYSTEM.SET_EV. Set 来开启,一般调用级别为Level 10。 该事件返回的trace跟踪文件,记录了为了实现一致性读的目的,哪些数据块以及这些块的各历史版本在执行过程中被创建(CR block creation)并检验(CR block inspection),以找出Best CR block满足Consistent一致性。 注意10200 Internal Event主要是被ktrgtc和ktrget(call ktrget to get one block ->calling KTR layer to apply RBS to have consistent read Block;)这2个Oracle内核功能函数触发,这2个内部函数Internal Function的主要作用: ktrget:
  • Initializes a buffer cache CR scan request
  • Calls kcbgtcr for the best resident buffer to start from to build the CR buffer
  • Calls ktrgcm to build the CR buffer by applying undo
  • Returns CR buffer to the requestor
  • If successful, returns the “best” candidate (performed by ktrexf or examination function)
  • Scans the hash bucket for the DBA for buffers that may be used to build a CR buffer
  • If not successful, calls kcbget
  10200 event trace example:  
[oracle@rh2 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Sep 30 21:23:47 2011

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Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing option

SQL> select * from global_name;

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SQL> create table tv(t1 int);

Table created.

SQL> alter session set events '10200 trace name context forever,level 10';

Session altered.

SQL> select * from tv;


10200 trace

Consistent read started for block 0 : 0040081a