关于consistent read(简称CR),有网友在问这个问题,虽然看似很容易理解,然而我想不见得大家都明白,在我

session logical reads :

The sum of "db block gets" plus "consistent gets". This includes logical reads of database
blocks from either the buffer cache or process private memory.

cleanouts and rollbacks - consistent read gets:

Number of consistent gets that require both block rollbacks and block cleanouts.

cleanouts only - consistent read gets:

Number of consistent gets that require only block cleanouts, no rollbacks.

consistent gets:

Number of times a consistent read was requested for a block.

consistent changes:

Number of times a user process has applied rollback entries to perform a consistent read on the block

CR blocks created:

Number of CURRENT blocks cloned to create CR (consistent read) blocks. The most common reason for cloning
is that the buffer is held in a incompatible mode.

db block gets:

Number of times a CURRENT block was requested

关于CR read相关的几个我都列出来了,上面信息都来自官方文档,描述是非常准确的。
