Know Oracle Process OS Scheduled Priority
Can you kindly define and explain of this parameter?
Regarding _os_sched_high_priority :
Setting LMS priority automatically via _os_sched_high_priority
It has been proven that performance is increased when LMS processes are running in the real time priority class, as opposed to the timesharing class. The parameter _os_sched_high_priority was introduced in Oracle 10g Release 2, and it allows LMS processes to be automatically configured in the real time priority class at instance startup. This feature basically obsoletes the need to manually set the real time priority for the LMS processes using a C program or the renice command.
On Unix platforms, process priority changes are normally executed under the root privilege, and the LMS process priority changes are implemented through an executable
Know Difference between Oracle Reserved Words and Keywords
与C和JAVA体系类似,Oracle中存在一些保留词(Reserved Words)或关键词(Keywords)以及少量的命名空间(Namespace)。保留词(Reserved Words)是优先级最高的词汇,在Oracle中这些词都有着特殊的意义。所以这些词不允许被重定义 (redefine),换而言之就不是不允许用作对象的名字。以下为Oracle 10g中保留词的列表:Oracl
Oracle namespace keywords PL/SQL concept reserved