基本上,信号量分为两种类型 -
二进制信号量(Binary Semaphores) - 互斥量实现只有0和1这两个状态,即锁定/解锁或可用/不可用。
计数信号量(Counting Semaphores) - 允许任意资源计数的信号量称为计数信号量。
步骤1 - 创建一个信号量或连接到一个已经存在的信号量(semget())
步骤2 - 对信号量执行操作,即分配或释放或等待资源(semop())
步骤3 - 对消息队列执行控制操作(semctl())
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/ipc.h> #include <sys/sem.h> int semget(key_t key, int nsems, int semflg)
第一个参数key - 识别消息队列,键可以是任意值,也可以是从库函数ftok()派生的值。
第二个参数nsems - 指定信号量的数量,如果为二进制,则为1,表示需要1个信号集,否则按所需的信号集数量计数。
第三个参数semflg - 指定所需的信号量标志,如IPC_CREAT(如果不存在则创建信号量)或IPC_EXCL(与IPC_CREAT一起使用来创建信号量,如果信号量已经存在,则调用失败) 。还需要传递权限。
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/ipc.h> #include <sys/sem.h> int semop(int semid, struct sembuf *semops, size_t nsemops)
该系统调用对System V信号量集执行操作,即分配资源,等待资源或释放资源。以下参数需要传递-
第一个参数Semid - 表示由semget()创建的信号量集标识符。
第二个参数semops - 是指向要在信号量集上执行的操作的数组的指针。结构如下-
struct sembuf { unsigned short sem_num; /* Semaphore set num */ short sem_op; /* Semaphore operation */ short sem_flg; /* Operation flags, IPC_NOWAIT, SEM_UNDO */ };
如果sem_op为-ve ,请分配或获取资源,阻塞调用进程,直到其他进程释放了足够的资源,以便该进程可以分配。
如果sem_op为0 ,则调用进程将等待或休眠,直到信号量值达到0。
struct sembuf sem_lock={0,-1,SEM_UNDO};
struct sembuf sem_unlock={0,1,SEM_UNDO};
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/ipc.h> #include <sys/sem.h> int semctl(int semid, int semnum, int cmd, …)
该系统调用对System V信号量执行控制操作。需要传递以下参数-
第一个参数Semid - 是信号量的标识符,此id是信号量标识符,它是semget()系统调用的返回值。
第二个参数semnum - 是信号量的数量,信号量从0开始编号。
第三个参数cmd - 是用于对信号量执行所需控制操作的命令。
第四个参数union semun,取决于cmd。在少数情况下,第四个参数不适用。
union semun { int val; /* val for SETVAL */ struct semid_ds *buf; /* Buffer for IPC_STAT and IPC_SET */ unsigned short *array; /* Buffer for GETALL and SETALL */ struct seminfo *__buf; /* Buffer for IPC_INFO and SEM_INFO*/ };
struct semid_ds { struct ipc_perm sem_perm; /* Permissions */ time_t sem_otime; /* Last semop time */ time_t sem_ctime; /* Last change time */ unsigned long sem_nsems; /* Number of semaphores in the set */ };
IPC_STAT - 将struct semid_ds每个成员的当前值信息复制到arg.buf指向的传递结构,此命令需要对信号量具有读取权限。
IPC_SET - 设置结构Semid_ds指向的用户ID,所有者的组ID,权限等。
IPC_RMID - 删除信号量集。
IPC_INFO - 返回有关arg .__ buf指向的Semid_ds结构中的信号量限制和参数的信息。
SEM_INFO - 返回seminfo结构,其中包含有关信号量消耗的系统资源的信息。
此调用将返回值(非负值),具体取决于传递的命令。成功后,IPC_INFO和SEM_INFO或SEM_STAT根据信号量或GETNCNT的semncnt值或GETPID的sempid值或GETVAL 0的semval值返回每个成功使用的其他项的索引或标识符,如果成功,则返回0,如果发生故障则为1。要知道失败的原因,请使用errno变量或perror()函数进行检查。
/* Filename: shm_write_cntr.c */ #include<stdio.h> #include<sys/ipc.h> #include<sys/shm.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<string.h> #include<errno.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<string.h> #define SHM_KEY 0x12345 struct shmseg { int cntr; int write_complete; int read_complete; }; void shared_memory_cntr_increment(int pid, struct shmseg *shmp, int total_count); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int shmid; struct shmseg *shmp; char *bufptr; int total_count; int sleep_time; pid_t pid; if (argc != 2) total_count = 10000; else { total_count = atoi(argv[1]); if (total_count < 10000) total_count = 10000; } printf("Total Count is %d\n", total_count); shmid = shmget(SHM_KEY, sizeof(struct shmseg), 0644|IPC_CREAT); if (shmid == -1) { perror("Shared memory"); return 1; } //Attach to the segment to get a pointer to it. shmp = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0); if (shmp == (void *) -1) { perror("Shared memory attach"); return 1; } shmp->cntr = 0; pid = fork(); /* Parent Process - Writing Once */ if (pid > 0) { shared_memory_cntr_increment(pid, shmp, total_count); } else if (pid == 0) { shared_memory_cntr_increment(pid, shmp, total_count); return 0; } else { perror("Fork Failure\n"); return 1; } while (shmp->read_complete != 1) sleep(1); if (shmdt(shmp) == -1) { perror("shmdt"); return 1; } if (shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, 0) == -1) { perror("shmctl"); return 1; } printf("Writing Process: Complete\n"); return 0; } /* Increment the counter of shared memory by total_count in steps of 1 */ void shared_memory_cntr_increment(int pid, struct shmseg *shmp, int total_count) { int cntr; int numtimes; int sleep_time; cntr = shmp->cntr; shmp->write_complete = 0; if (pid == 0) printf("SHM_WRITE: CHILD: Now writing\n"); else if (pid > 0) printf("SHM_WRITE: PARENT: Now writing\n"); //printf("SHM_CNTR is %d\n", shmp->cntr); /* Increment the counter in shared memory by total_count in steps of 1 */ for (numtimes = 0; numtimes < total_count; numtimes++) { cntr += 1; shmp->cntr = cntr; /* Sleeping for a second for every thousand */ sleep_time = cntr % 1000; if (sleep_time == 0) sleep(1); } shmp->write_complete = 1; if (pid == 0) printf("SHM_WRITE: CHILD: Writing Done\n"); else if (pid > 0) printf("SHM_WRITE: PARENT: Writing Done\n"); return; }
Total Count is 10000 SHM_WRITE: PARENT: Now writing SHM_WRITE: CHILD: Now writing SHM_WRITE: PARENT: Writing Done SHM_WRITE: CHILD: Writing Done Writing Process: Complete
/* Filename: shm_read_cntr.c */ #include<stdio.h> #include<sys/ipc.h> #include<sys/shm.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<string.h> #include<errno.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<unistd.h> #define SHM_KEY 0x12345 struct shmseg { int cntr; int write_complete; int read_complete; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int shmid, numtimes; struct shmseg *shmp; int total_count; int cntr; int sleep_time; if (argc != 2) total_count = 10000; else { total_count = atoi(argv[1]); if (total_count < 10000) total_count = 10000; } shmid = shmget(SHM_KEY, sizeof(struct shmseg), 0644|IPC_CREAT); if (shmid == -1) { perror("Shared memory"); return 1; } //Attach to the segment to get a pointer to it. shmp = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0); if (shmp == (void *) -1) { perror("Shared memory attach"); return 1; } /* Read the shared memory cntr and print it on standard output */ while (shmp->write_complete != 1) { if (shmp->cntr == -1) { perror("read"); return 1; } sleep(3); } printf("Reading Process: Shared Memory: Counter is %d\n", shmp->cntr); printf("Reading Process: Reading Done, Detaching Shared Memory\n"); shmp->read_complete = 1; if (shmdt(shmp) == -1) { perror("shmdt"); return 1; } printf("Reading Process: Complete\n"); return 0; }
Reading Process: Shared Memory: Counter is 11000 Reading Process: Reading Done, Detaching Shared Memory Reading Process: Complete
/* Filename: shm_write_cntr_with_sem.c */ #include<stdio.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/ipc.h> #include<sys/shm.h> #include<sys/sem.h> #include<string.h> #include<errno.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<string.h> #define SHM_KEY 0x12345 #define SEM_KEY 0x54321 #define MAX_TRIES 20 struct shmseg { int cntr; int write_complete; int read_complete; }; void shared_memory_cntr_increment(int, struct shmseg*, int); void remove_semaphore(); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int shmid; struct shmseg *shmp; char *bufptr; int total_count; int sleep_time; pid_t pid; if (argc != 2) total_count = 10000; else { total_count = atoi(argv[1]); if (total_count < 10000) total_count = 10000; } printf("Total Count is %d\n", total_count); shmid = shmget(SHM_KEY, sizeof(struct shmseg), 0644|IPC_CREAT); if (shmid == -1) { perror("Shared memory"); return 1; } //Attach to the segment to get a pointer to it. shmp = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0); if (shmp == (void *) -1) { perror("Shared memory attach: "); return 1; } shmp->cntr = 0; pid = fork(); /* Parent Process - Writing Once */ if (pid > 0) { shared_memory_cntr_increment(pid, shmp, total_count); } else if (pid == 0) { shared_memory_cntr_increment(pid, shmp, total_count); return 0; } else { perror("Fork Failure\n"); return 1; } while (shmp->read_complete != 1) sleep(1); if (shmdt(shmp) == -1) { perror("shmdt"); return 1; } if (shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, 0) == -1) { perror("shmctl"); return 1; } printf("Writing Process: Complete\n"); remove_semaphore(); return 0; } /* Increment the counter of shared memory by total_count in steps of 1 */ void shared_memory_cntr_increment(int pid, struct shmseg *shmp, int total_count) { int cntr; int numtimes; int sleep_time; int semid; struct sembuf sem_buf; struct semid_ds buf; int tries; int retval; semid = semget(SEM_KEY, 1, IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | 0666); //printf("errno is %d and semid is %d\n", errno, semid); /* Got the semaphore */ if (semid >= 0) { printf("First Process\n"); sem_buf.sem_op = 1; sem_buf.sem_flg = 0; sem_buf.sem_num = 0; retval = semop(semid, &sem_buf, 1); if (retval == -1) { perror("Semaphore Operation: "); return; } } else if (errno == EEXIST) { //Already other process got it int ready = 0; printf("Second Process\n"); semid = semget(SEM_KEY, 1, 0); if (semid < 0) { perror("Semaphore GET: "); return; } /* Waiting for the resource */ sem_buf.sem_num = 0; sem_buf.sem_op = 0; sem_buf.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO; retval = semop(semid, &sem_buf, 1); if (retval == -1) { perror("Semaphore Locked: "); return; } } sem_buf.sem_num = 0; sem_buf.sem_op = -1; /* Allocating the resources */ sem_buf.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO; retval = semop(semid, &sem_buf, 1); if (retval == -1) { perror("Semaphore Locked: "); return; } cntr = shmp->cntr; shmp->write_complete = 0; if (pid == 0) printf("SHM_WRITE: CHILD: Now writing\n"); else if (pid > 0) printf("SHM_WRITE: PARENT: Now writing\n"); //printf("SHM_CNTR is %d\n", shmp->cntr); /* Increment the counter in shared memory by total_count in steps of 1 */ for (numtimes = 0; numtimes < total_count; numtimes++) { cntr += 1; shmp->cntr = cntr; /* Sleeping for a second for every thousand */ sleep_time = cntr % 1000; if (sleep_time == 0) sleep(1); } shmp->write_complete = 1; sem_buf.sem_op = 1; /* Releasing the resource */ retval = semop(semid, &sem_buf, 1); if (retval == -1) { perror("Semaphore Locked\n"); return; } if (pid == 0) printf("SHM_WRITE: CHILD: Writing Done\n"); else if (pid > 0) printf("SHM_WRITE: PARENT: Writing Done\n"); return; } void remove_semaphore() { int semid; int retval; semid = semget(SEM_KEY, 1, 0); if (semid < 0) { perror("Remove Semaphore: Semaphore GET: "); return; } retval = semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID); if (retval == -1) { perror("Remove Semaphore: Semaphore CTL: "); return; } return; }
Total Count is 10000 First Process SHM_WRITE: PARENT: Now writing Second Process SHM_WRITE: PARENT: Writing Done SHM_WRITE: CHILD: Now writing SHM_WRITE: CHILD: Writing Done Writing Process: Complete
Reading Process: Shared Memory: Counter is 20000 Reading Process: Reading Done, Detaching Shared Memory Reading Process: Complete