Linux shell 脚本攻略学习笔记八之wc命令

1.wc 命令

wc - print newline, word, and byte counts for each file [打印每个文件的换行,单词,字节数。]

-l, --lines
print the newline counts
-w, --words
print the word counts


[root@server4 shells]# echo -e "hello spark \nwo men dou shi hao hai zi \n"
hello spark
wo men dou shi hao hai zi

[root@server4 shells]# echo -e "hello spark \nwo men dou shi hao hai zi \n" | wc -w
[root@server4 shells]# man wc
[root@server4 shells]# echo -e "hello spark \nwo men dou shi hao hai zi \n" | wc -l