
[root@server5 local]# echo "hello shell"
hello shell
[root@server5 local]# printf "hello shell"
hello shell[root@server5 local]# # printf "hello shell\n"
hello shell
[root@server5 local]# 

(3)第一个echo hello会被视作一个命令,第二个hello会被单独视为一个命令!
[root@server5 local]# echo hello;hello
-bash: hello: 未找到命令

(5)while using flags for echo and printf, always make sure that
the flags appear before any strings in the command,otherwise Bash will consider the flags as another string.
What's meaning of "flags?"

(6)[root@server5 local]# echo -e "\e[1;31m this is red txt \e[0m"
this is red txt \e[1;31m is the escape string that sets the color to red
\e[0m resets the color back.