[root@test l7-protocols-2008-04-23]# make install
mkdir -p /etc/l7-protocols
cp -R * /etc/l7-protocols
[root@test linux-2.6.26]# patch -p1 < /usr/src/netfilter-layer7-v2.19/kernel-2.6.25-layer7-2.19.patch
[root@test linux-2.6.26]# make oldconfig 一路回车到底 (如果之前已经编译过 kernel source, 需先执行 make mrproper)
make modules_install
make install -------> 2.6的内核直接用这几个命令就可以了
make dep
make bzp_w_picpath
make modules
make modules_install
make install
Linux test 2.6.26 #1 SMP Fri Sep 19 14:51:18 CST 2008 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
[root@test iptables-1.4.0]# patch -p1 < /usr/src/netfilter-layer7-v2.19/iptables-1.4-for-kernel-2.6.20forward-layer7-2.19.patch
[root@test iptables-1.4.0]# make install KERNEL_DIR=/usr/src/linux-2.6.26
iptables v1.4.0
iptables -[RI] chain rulenum rule-specification [options]
iptables -D chain rulenum [options]
iptables -[LFZ] [chain] [options]
iptables -[NX] chain
iptables -E old-chain-name new-chain-name
iptables -P chain target [options]
iptables -h (print this help information)
Either long or short options are allowed.
--append -A chain Append to chain
--delete -D chain Delete matching rule from chain
--delete -D chain rulenum
Delete rule rulenum (1 = first) from chain
--insert -I chain [rulenum]
Insert in chain as rulenum (default 1=first)
--replace -R chain rulenum
Replace rule rulenum (1 = first) in chain
--list -L [chain] List the rules in a chain or all chains
--flush -F [chain] Delete all rules in chain or all chains
--zero -Z [chain] Zero counters in chain or all chains
--new -N chain Create a new user-defined chain
-X [chain] Delete a user-defined chain
--policy -P chain target
Change policy on chain to target
-E old-chain new-chain
Change chain name, (moving any references)
--proto -p [!] proto protocol: by number or name, eg. `tcp'
--source -s [!] address[/mask]
source specification
--destination -d [!] address[/mask]
destination specification
--in-interface -i [!] input name[+]
network interface name ([+] for wildcard)
--jump -j target
target for rule (may load target extension)
--goto -g chain
jump to chain with no return
--match -m match
extended match (may load extension)
--numeric -n numeric output of addresses and ports
--out-interface -o [!] output name[+]
network interface name ([+] for wildcard)
--table -t table table to manipulate (default: `filter')
--verbose -v verbose mode
--line-numbers print line numbers when listing
--exact -x expand numbers (display exact values)
[!] --fragment -f match second or further fragments only
--modprobe=<command> try to insert modules using this command
--set-counters PKTS BYTES set the counter during insert/append
[!] --version -V print package version.
--l7dir <directory> : Look for patterns here instead of /etc/l7-protocols/
(--l7dir must be specified before --l7proto if used!)
--l7proto [!] <name> : Match the protocol defined in /etc/l7-protocols/name.pat