
聚合数据iOS SDK 全国车辆违章 演示示例_接口

2,在聚合SDK Framework的JHSDKAPIPath.h文件中找到快递查询接口宏,以及字典参数

@brief 车辆违章查询--1、获取支持城市接口

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#define kJHAPIS_LIFE_WZ_CITYS @"juhe.apis.wz.citys" //1、获取支持城市接口

@brief 车辆违章查询--2、请求违章查询接口

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#define kJHAPIS_LIFE_WZ_QUERY @"juhe.apis.wz.query" //2、请求违章查询接口

@brief 车辆违章查询--3、车辆(号牌)种类编号查询接口

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#define kJHAPIS_LIFE_WZ_HPZL @"juhe.apis.wz.hpzl" //3、车辆(号牌)种类编号查询接口

@brief 车辆违章查询--4、接口剩余次数查询

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#define kJHAPIS_LIFE_WZ_STATUS @"juhe.apis.wz.status" //4、接口剩余次数查询


#import "ViewController.h"

#import <JuheApis/JuheAPI.h>
#import <JuheApis/JHOpenidSupplier.h>
#import <JuheApis/JHSDKAPIPath.h>

@interface ViewController ()

@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
[[JHOpenidSupplier shareSupplier] registerJuheAPIByOpenId:@"申请到的OpenId“];

UIButton* beginBtn=[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeSystem];
beginBtn.frame=CGRectMake(20, 111, 280, 40);
[beginBtn setTitle:@"开始" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[beginBtn setTitleColor:[UIColor darkGrayColor] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[beginBtn addTarget:self action:@selector(doTestAction) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[beginBtn setBackgroundImage:[UIImage p_w_picpathNamed:@"button5"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[self.view addSubview:beginBtn];

- (void)doTestAction
/* 1、获取支持城市接口 */
[self test : kJHAPIS_LIFE_WZ_CITYS parameters : @{@"province":@"JS",@"dtype":@"json"} ] ;
/* 2、请求违章查询接口 */
[self test : kJHAPIS_LIFE_WZ_QUERY parameters : @{@"dtype":@"json",@"city":@"SH",@"hphm”:@“苏L50A11",@"hpzl":@"02"}] ;

/* 3、车辆(号牌)种类编号查询接口 */
[self test : kJHAPIS_LIFE_WZ_HPZL parameters : @{@"dtype":@"json" }];

/* 4、接口剩余次数查询 */
[self test : kJHAPIS_LIFE_WZ_STATUS parameters : @{@"dtype":@"json" }];


- (void)test:(NSString *)path parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters{

JuheAPI *juheapi = [JuheAPI shareJuheApi];
[juheapi executeWorkWithAPI:path
success:^(id responseObject){
if ([[parameters objectForKey:@"dtype"] isEqualToString:@"xml"]) {
NSLog(@"***xml*** \n %@", responseObject);
int error_code = [[responseObject objectForKey:@"error_code"] intValue];
if (!error_code) {
NSLog(@" %@", responseObject);
NSLog(@" %@", responseObject);

} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"error: %@",error.description);

- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.



1 . API : juhe.apis.wz.citys (宏 : kJHAPIS_LIFE_WZ_CITYS ) 

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2 . API : juhe.apis.wz.query (宏 : kJHAPIS_LIFE_WZ_QUERY )

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3 . API : juhe.apis.wz.hpzl (宏 : kJHAPIS_LIFE_WZ_HPZL )

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4 . API : juhe.apis.wz.status (宏 : kJHAPIS_LIFE_WZ_STATUS )

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5, 更多聚合数据SDK接口,访问这里: http://www.juhe.cn/juhesdk/idocs