项目历史SIP Foundry的SIPXecs项目前身是Pingtel公司2004年的sipXpbx开源项目(Pingtel组织和资助了SIPfoundry,但它是一个独立的合法的非盈利公司)。那时候PBX的代码作为Pingtel的SIPXchange产品已经开发了数年,它本身就是从Pingtel Expressa电话项目中扩展出来的(Pingtel Expressa电话项目是当时非常成功的跨越多个不同设备制造商的企业级的SIP呼叫系统之一。从最初的发布,Pingtel的商业产品开发就一直和SIPXpbx开源项目同步,并且不断从商业版本移植到开源项目中。
随着时间的推移,SIPXpbx开源项目获得了用户和开发人员的青睐。很多活跃的Pingtel公司外部的开发人员开始做出大量贡献,尤其是对SIP UA(电话和其他终端)的程序员非常有用的基础代码。由于当时代码许可的原因,当时有段时间很难讲这些改动移植到商业版本中,所以这两个基线代码开始出现分歧。反过来,这又增加了新增代码的复杂度,特别是增加了测试开源项目(SIPXpbx)和商业项目(SIPXchange)的难度。
- 模块化: 12个不同的服务器组件可以在一个服务器硬件上并存,也可以分布在不同的系统中。
- 备份: 在呼叫控制组件中提供高可用性的系统。
- 可伸缩性: 通过域名服务系统实现负载均衡。
- 基于SIP代理: sipXecs不是基于B2BUA而是一个真正的基于SIP Proxy架构的实现。B2BUA服务器(sipXbridge)用来连接IP电话服务提供商(ITSPs);数据包中包含了会议桥信息;基于Freeswitch的自动话务员和语音信箱。
- 更好的语音质量: 点对点的媒体流直接,无需通过呼叫控制路径。
- 标准SIP: sipXecs是一个标准的兼容协议。
- 即插即用管理: 系统中电话即插即用。
- IT集成: LDAP, SOAP和数据库集成。系统不管看上去还是使用起来,就如同一个IT应用。
- 无需特殊硬件: sipXecs不需要特殊的硬件。一个标准的Intel服务器足矣。
不同的sipXecs系统组件也可以单机运行,这个项目的关注点就在于提供一个完全的sipXecs基于IP的小交系统。在Fedora, Red Hat, Debian and SUSE版本中,sipXecs系统可以很容易地按照各自系统的包管理进行安装。
sipXecs的配置服务器是一个Web服务的配置管理系统,可以对所有的sipXecs服务器组件包括电话和网关等提供即插即用的管理。对于已经存在IT架构,可以使用LDAP,也可以提供SOAP接口提供网络服务关口。它也允许和微软的Active Directory and Exchange 2007进行连接。
- Jetty: Java HTTP Server and Servlet Container
- Spring Framework: Java Application Server Framework
- Tapestry: Apache Jakarta Tapestry
- Hibernate: Idiomatic Persistence for Java
- Velocity: Java based Template Engine
- Lucene: Java-based indexing and search
我们不再需要浏览器直接连接到Jetty HTTP服务器和Apache服务器。
配置服务器和其他sipXec服务器组件通过文件系统或者其自身的XML RPC接口进行通信。对于在同一台服务器的情况,配置文件直接写在/etc/sipxpbx目录下。
a) FTP和TFTP服务器都提供访问到sipXecs服务器的tftproot目录
b) HTTP Web访问可能到docroot目录. docroot 访问通过Apache服务器的8090端口提供。
The Phone Thinks it Talks to a PhoneSIP is only used as a transport point-to-point and the IP PBX behaves like a phone. The Inside is Proprietary Features are implemented in a proprietary way and not using SIP, but with the help of a little "Pixie Dust". Every vendor does it slightly differently. Media Goes Through the IP PBXSince the whole system is setup as a collection of point-to-point links, media goes through the IP PBX server. This allows a simple, non-standard implementation of certain features such as call recording and music on hold, but otherwise has only disadvantages.h2. SIP Channels connect Point-to-PointThe trunk side again connects point-to-point as you would connect two phones. |
By far not the only example is Asterisk but, because of its open source model, it is easy to examine. Based on a Back-to-Back User Agent (B2BUA) design, all links are point-to-point, making phones believe they talk to another phone even though they talk to the PBX. The PBX becomes a big monolythic block where everything has to go through and features are implemented in a proprietary way. While in the TDM world these PBXs were built on expensive fault tolerant HW, using an inexpensive PC server does not serve this model well as it laks scalability, resiliency and fault-tolerance. IAX, the Asterisk trunking protocol is specifically designed to bundle signaling and media in one fixed connection. The result is at best neutral when it comes to voice quality, but more often than not it is worse than what you would get with standard SIP.
Second Generation IP PBX ArchitectureIMS for the EnterpriseA SIP based application router (SIP Proxy) is the heart of the system. Strict separation of signaling and media is a given. The phone talks to a proxy that routes the call through as many additional proxies as needed until the destination phone is reached. The Phones Negotiate CodecThe phones negotiate a selection of codec directly and the media stream is routed along the most efficient route - better voice quality and a more resilient connection are direct consequences. Features are implemented in Feature ServersInside the IP PBX every feature is implemented as a SIP feature server. These feature servers can be co-located in the same physical host or distributed across many systems. High-Availability by DesignFailover redundancy and system resilience is simple to realize. Similar to the way web server farms load balance, so do SIP proxy servers. |
SOA Architecture / Business Process Integration using Web Services
Personal Assistant IM Bot
Presence and IM Federation
Web Conferencing & Collaboration
User Self-Control (User Web Configuration Portal)