BackTrack – Penetration Testing Distribution

Welcome to, home of the highest rated and acclaimed Linux security distribution to date. BackTrack is a Linux-based penetration testing arsenal that aids security professionals in the ability to perform assessments in a purely native environment dedicated to hacking. Regardless if you’re making BackTrack your primary operating system, booting from a LiveDVD, or using your favorite thumbdrive, BackTrack has been customized down to every package, kernel configuration, script and patch solely for the purpose of the penetration tester.backtrack-linux.org_OS

BackTrack is intended for all audiences from the most savvy security professionals to early newcomers to the information security field. BackTrack promotes a quick and easy way to find and update the largest database of security tools collection to-date. Our community of users range from skilled penetration testers in the information security field, government entities, information technology, security enthusiasts, and individuals new to the security community. Feedback from all industries and skill levels allows us to truly develop a solution that is tailored towards everyone and far exceeds anything ever developed both commercially and freely available. The BackTrack Project is funded by Offensive Security.

Whether you’re hacking wireless, exploiting servers, performing a web application assessment, learning, or social-engineering a client, BackTrack is the one-stop-shop for all of your security needs.

欢迎来到,BackTrack是目前为止知名度最高,评价最好的关于信息安全的Linux发行版.它是基于Linux平台并集成安全工具而开发成的Linux Live发行版,旨在帮助网络安全人员对网络骇客行为进行评估.不论您是否把它做为常用系统,或是从光盘或移动硬盘启动,它都可以定制各种安全包, 包括内核配置,脚本和补丁, 以用于入侵检测.backtrack-linux.org_休闲_02

BackTrack是一套信息安全审计专用的Linux发行版, 不论您是信息安全专家还是新手. 它创造了一条可以方便您从世界上最大的安全工具库寻找和更新安全工具的捷径.


我们的用户包括信息安全领域的专业渗透测试人员, 政府雇员, IT人员, 信息安全爱好者以及安全领域的初学者. 来自不同行业, 不同技术水平用户的反馈促使我们开发了这样一个面对多元需求,包括商业和非商业需求的系统.


无论您是在渗透无线网络, 服务器, 还是在进行网站安全评估, 或是在学习安全技术, 或是在利用社会工程学获取信息, BackTrack都可以满足您在信息安全方面的需要.