
首先landlord / landlady房东﹡﹡tenant租客﹡﹡通过houseagency房产中介﹡﹡
(或house agent房产代理人﹡﹡)联系,洽谈租房事宜。


type of accommodation住宿形式﹡﹡             

homestay (stay with a family)住在当地人家里﹡﹡

student hostel (student accommodation )学生公寓﹡﹡----dormitory (=dorm)宿舍﹡


   flat(英式公寓)(考试概率高)﹡﹡= apartment(美式公寓)﹡
一般位于city center﹡﹡ = downtown (市中心) ﹡﹡

一般位于suburbs﹡﹡ = outskirts (郊区) ﹡﹡

三.确定rent租金﹡﹡deposit押金﹡﹡(for security﹡﹡为了安全

Maximum /minimum rent﹡(最高/最低)租金的价格depends on取决于:     


 urban area 市区地段﹡  rural area 乡村地段﹡﹡

  environment/ surroundings环境
near public transport靠近公共交通
比如靠近tube﹡﹡= subway﹡﹡ =underground ﹡﹡= metro 地铁
或者bus stop 公交车站 或者airport机场

     near the university/ office 靠近大学或工作地点

proximity﹡﹡(= close常考同义词转换)to your office is an issue靠近你的工作地点也是个应该考虑的因素  



真题:problems of the accommodation: difficult to study
原文:They have three young children and it is difficult for me to study.
Rent includesWater bills水费﹡﹡

Telephone bills 电话费﹡﹡

Electricity bills电费﹡﹡

Gas bills 煤气费﹡﹡

Telephone rental电话租赁﹡﹡

Laundry fee 洗衣费﹡


(注意:facility复数facilities但是equipmentfurniture两个单词不能加s,例如:a piece of equipment一件家具,a piece of furniture一套设备)
先确定房间类型room type:
a single room(with single bed)单人房﹡﹡
a double room(with double bed)双人房(一张双人床)﹡﹡
a twin room (with twin bed)双人房(两张单人床)﹡﹡
a triple room(with triple bed)三人房﹡﹡
a studio apartment 单间公寓

availability of : living room  起居室﹡﹡
                       bedroom 卧室﹡﹡
                       bathroom=toilet 厕所﹡﹡
                       laundry room 洗衣房
                       dining room 餐厅﹡﹡
                       kitchen 厨房﹡﹡
                       shared room (eg:shared kitchen) 公用房间
                     garage 车库﹡﹡
                     garden 花园﹡﹡
                     courtyard 园子﹡﹡
                     fence 栅栏
                     lawn 草坪
                     basement 地下室
                     balcony 阳台﹡﹡
                     corridor 走廊
                     wing 侧厅
                     side entrance / gate﹡侧门
                fire door=fire exit(for emergency ,be locked outside)﹡安全出口
                     lobby 大厅
                     lift() / elevator() 电梯
                     escalator 自动扶梯
                     stairs 楼梯
                     ceiling 天花板
                     roof 屋顶
          furnished / unfurnished 配备家具的/未配备家具的
          sofa / couch 沙发/长沙发
          carpet 地毯﹡﹡
          (ceiling)fan 吊扇
          digital TV 数字电视
          satellite TV 卫星电视
          stereo system 立体声音响
          air conditioner 空调﹡﹡
          radiator 电暖炉﹡﹡
          curtain 窗帘﹡﹡
          closet 橱柜
          wardrobe 衣橱﹡
          cupboard 碗柜﹡
          cabinet 橱柜
          washing machine 洗衣机﹡
          dishwasher 洗碗机﹡
          microwave oven 微波炉﹡﹡
          vacuum cleaner 吸尘器
          refrigerator/ fridge 冰箱﹡﹡
          gas cooker 煤气灶
          water heater 热水器﹡﹡
        heating system加热系统--fuel燃料--coal--firewood柴火)
          oven 烤箱
          bed-linen 床上用品
          quilt 被子
          pillow 枕头
          sheet 被单
          blanket 毯子﹡
          mattress 床垫﹡﹡
          cushion 垫子
          towel 毛巾﹡﹡


House rules:

         non-smoker 不吸烟者
         non-drinker 不喝酒者
         special food requirements 关于食物的特殊要求﹡﹡
         vegetarian素食者 ﹡﹡
         or allergy 过敏﹡﹡
         or no red meat不吃牛羊肉
         need intermediate English proficiency 需要中等英语水平﹡﹡
         need privacy 需要隐私﹡


      make an appointment 预约﹡﹡
       viewing arrangements 看房安排  ﹡﹡
       sign the lease签租约
       pay for the contract 支付合同费用﹡
       move-in notice 入住通知

1。数字听写(注意:pounds英镑£﹡﹡; dollars美元$﹡书写错误可能导致扣分)


Address : Flat/Apartment数字1,数字2 +路名+ Road/Street/Avenue(林荫道)/Lane(小路),地区
             eg: Flat 16,18 Hill Street
      偶尔出现:数字+字母+路名+ Road/Street/Avenue(林荫道)/Lane(小路)
             eg: 16a Kingstone Road

l         路名单词拼写是否正确是得分关键

l         对数字不敏感的同学应该加强数字听写练习,不然数字1和数字2失分就得不偿失了。