

Android平台RTSP|RTMP播放器之视音频效果设置_Android RTMP播放器



 * SmartPlayerJniV2.java
 * Author: daniusdk.com
 * Created by DaniuLive on 2015/09/26.
 * Copyright © 2014~2024 DaniuLive. All rights reserved.

 * 设置视频画面的填充模式,如填充整个view、等比例填充view,如不设置,默认填充整个view
 * @param handle: return value from SmartPlayerOpen()
 * @param render_scale_mode 0: 填充整个view; 1: 等比例填充view, 默认值是0
 * @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPlayerSetRenderScaleMode(long handle, int render_scale_mode);


 * 设置顺时针旋转, 注意除了0度之外, 其他角度都会额外消耗性能
 * @param handle: return value from SmartPlayerOpen()
 * @param degress: 当前支持 0度,90度, 180度, 270度 旋转
 * @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPlayerSetRotation(long handle, int degress);


 * 设置视频垂直反转
 * @param handle: return value from SmartPlayerOpen()
 * @param is_flip: 0: 不反转, 1: 反转
 * @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPlayerSetFlipVertical(long handle, int is_flip);

 * 设置视频水平反转
 * @param handle: return value from SmartPlayerOpen()
 * @param is_flip: 0: 不反转, 1: 反转
 * @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPlayerSetFlipHorizontal(long handle, int is_flip);

渲染模式:支持SurfaceView和TextureView模式,支持设置hardware render模式:

if (SURFACE_TYPE_SURFACE_VIEW == surface_type_) {
	if (sSurfaceView != null && sSurfaceView instanceof SurfaceView && ((SurfaceView)sSurfaceView).getHolder() != null)
		surface = ((SurfaceView)sSurfaceView).getHolder().getSurface();
}else if (SURFACE_TYPE_TEXTURE_VIEW == surface_type_) {
	if (null == texture_view_surface_) {
		if (sSurfaceView != null && sSurfaceView instanceof TextureView && ((TextureView) sSurfaceView).getSurfaceTexture() != null)
			texture_view_surface_ = new Surface(((TextureView) sSurfaceView).getSurfaceTexture());

	surface = texture_view_surface_;

libPlayer.SetSurface(playerHandle, surface, surface_codec_media_color_format, disable_codec_render_surface_, disable_sdk_render_surface_);
if (isHardwareDecoder && is_enable_hardware_render_mode) {
	libPlayer.SmartPlayerSetHWRenderMode(playerHandle, 1);


 * Set mute or not(设置实时静音)
 * @param handle: return value from SmartPlayerOpen()
 * @param is_mute: if with 1:mute, if with 0: does not mute
 * @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPlayerSetMute(long handle, int is_mute);

 * 设置播放音量
 * @param handle: return value from SmartPlayerOpen()
 * @param volume: 范围是[0, 100], 0是静音,100是最大音量, 默认是100
 * @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPlayerSetAudioVolume(long handle, int volume);

设置音频输出模式:支持AudioTrack、OpenSL ES模式,一般来说考虑到通用性,建议使用AudioTrack模式。

 * Set AudioOutput Type(设置audio输出类型)
 * @param handle: return value from SmartPlayerOpen()
 * @param use_audiotrack:
 * <pre> NOTE: if use_audiotrack with 0: it will use auto-select output devices; if with 1: will use audio-track mode. </pre>
 * @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPlayerSetAudioOutputType(long handle, int use_audiotrack);



  • 音频:AAC/Speex(RTMP)/PCMA/PCMU;
  • 视频:H.264、H.265;
  • 播放协议:RTSP|RTMP;
  • 支持纯音频、纯视频、音视频播放;
  • 支持多实例播放;
  • 支持软解码,特定机型硬解码;
  • 支持RTSP TCP、UDP模式设置;
  • 支持RTSP TCP、UDP模式自动切换;
  • 支持RTSP超时时间设置,单位:秒;
  • 支持buffer时间设置,单位:毫秒;
  • 支持超低延迟模式;
  • 支持断网自动重连、视频追赶,支持buffer状态等回调;
  • 支持视频view实时旋转(0° 90° 180° 270°);
  • 支持视频view水平反转、垂直反转;
  • 支持Surfaceview/OpenGL ES/TextureView绘制;
  • 支持视频画面填充模式设置;
  • 音频支持AudioTrack、OpenSL ES模式;
  • 支持jpeg、png实时截图;
  • 支持实时音量调节;
  • 支持解码前音视频数据回调;
  • 支持解码后YUV/RGB数据回调;
  • 支持Enhanced RTMP;
  • 支持扩展录像功能;
  • 支持Android 5.1及以上版本。
