Classes and structs have members that represent their data and behavior. A class's members include all the members declared in the class, along with all members (except constructors and destructors) declared in all classes in its inheritance hierarchy. Private members in base classes are inherited but are not accessible from derived classes.

The following table lists the kinds of members a class or struct may contain:



Fields (C#  Programming Guide)

Fields are variables declared at class scope. A field  may be a built-in numeric type or an instance of another class. For example,  a calendar class may have a field that contains the current date.

Constants (C#  Programming Guide)

Constants are fields or properties whose value is set  at compile time and cannot be changed.

Properties (C#  Programming Guide)

Properties are methods on a class that are accessed as  if they were fields on that class. A property can provide protection for a  class field to keep it from being changed without the knowledge of the  object.

Methods (C#  Programming Guide)

Methods define the actions that a class can perform.  Methods can take parameters that provide input data, and can return output  data through parameters. Methods can also return a value directly, without  using a parameter.

Events (C#  Programming Guide)

Events provide notifications about occurrences, such as  button clicks or the successful completion of a method, to other objects.  Events are defined and triggered by using delegates. For more information,  see Events and  Delegates.

Operators (C#  Programming Guide)

Overloaded operators are considered class members. When  you overload an operator, you define it as a public static method in a class.  The predefined operators (+, *, <, and so  on) are not considered members. For more information, see Overloadable  Operators (C# Programming Guide).

Indexers (C#  Programming Guide)

Indexers enable an object to be indexed in a manner  similar to arrays.

Constructors  (C# Programming Guide)

Constructors are methods that are called when the  object is first created. They are often used to initialize the data of an  object.

Destructors  (C# Programming Guide)

Destructors are used very rarely in C#. They are  methods that are called by the runtime execution engine when the object is  about to be removed from memory. They are generally used to make sure that  any resources which must be released are handled appropriately.

Nested Types  (C# Programming Guide)

Nested types are types declared within another type.  Nested types are often