Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to


       This article will show how to display in dbconsole, information for the ASM instance used by the database.  This is particularly usefull if:

(1).      The database and ASM instance were manually created

(2).      The database was originally  created through dbca and it was configured to be managed thorugh dbconsole and the files were stored on filesystem.  In a subsequent step, the files were stored in an ASM diskgroup.




(1)In 10G Release 1

       emca -r -a


(2)In 10G Release 2

       emca -config all db -repos recreate


       This is an example of the execution of the previous command.  The config all option is required for an existant database that is using ASM.  This option will delete the current information stored into the repository.


​​Enter the following information:​​​​Database SID: P10R2      ​​​​Central agent home: /oradata2/102b       ## This is the path for the ORACLE_HOME​​​
​​​# The following message is returned only if there is a configuration created for some​​​​# database. ​​​
​​​The database P10R2 is already being monitored by central agent(s)​​​​Database Control is already configured for the database P10R2​​​​You have chosen the central agent /oradata2/102b for monitoring the database P10​​​​R2​​​​You have chosen to configure Database Control for managing the database P10R2​​​​Do you wish to continue? [yes(Y)/no(N)]: Y​​​​Listener port number: 1521 ## Listener port #​​​​Password for SYS user: r​​​​Password for DBSNMP user: a​​​​Password for SYSMAN user: r​​​​Email address for notifications (optional): ​​​​Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server for notifications (optional): ​​​​ASM ORACLE_HOME [ /oradata2/102b ]: ​​​​ASM SID [ +ASM ]: ​​​​ASM port [ 1521 ]: ​​​​ASM user role [ SYSDBA ]: ​​​​ASM username [ SYS ]: ​​​​ASM user password: a​​


       Oracle OEM 重建





From Oracle
