VMware ESX4.1官方只支持到Win7和2008R2,想要装Win8 需要升级到ESX5.1以上。前些天客户提Case要求用Win8的环境。由于ESX升级可能会有数据丢失和其他的一些情况,而且暂时用Win8的用户不多,所以我们暂时不会升级。考虑到客户的需求所以我决定上网搜搜,尝试在ESX4.1上安装Win8。最后找到了一片技术文档,是个外国人写得:


1.使用Windows Server 2008 R2模板建立虚拟机;



bios440.filename = “bios.440.rom”

mce.enable = TRUE

cpuid.hypervisor.v0 = FALSE

vmGenCounter.enable = FALSE

需要上传的 bios.440.rom 下载地址



Windows Server 2012 (and Windows 8) on VMWare ESXi 4.1

Due to the limitations of ESXi 5.1 i don’t want to install one in my Network. So i’m searched for a solution to run Windows Server 2012 (and Windows 8) on ESXi 4.1. After surfing around on the net i finally found a working solution in the VMWare forum.

The following steps are done on own risk:


  • Create a  new VM over the vSphere Client.

  • As “Guest Operating System” i used Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

  • If you finished the creation of the VM download the follwing bios file and upload it to your ESXi datastore

  • Move the bios file to the folder of the new VM

  • Now open the .vmx file of the new VM and add the follwing lines

      • bios440.filename = "bios.440.rom"

      • mce.enable = TRUE

      • cpuid.hypervisor.v0 = FALSE

    • vmGenCounter.enable = FALSE

Now start the new VM and install Windows Server 2012 (or Windows 8) VMware ESX4.1 下安装 Win8 或者 Win server 2012 的调试_安装




1 上传bios.440.rom文件,如下图

VMware ESX4.1 下安装 Win8 或者 Win server 2012 的调试_Win Server 2012_02

2 修改vmx配置文件

VMware ESX4.1 下安装 Win8 或者 Win server 2012 的调试_Win Server 2012_03
