1. 其实shell下也可以将输出的数据以表格的格式输出,看起来更加直观些。数据存放的aa文件里面,以空格/tab/回车分割,数据依次是姓名,年龄,性别,籍贯,序列
#!/bin/bash # It is a scripts of make tab # "aa" is filename of store about info, DI=(`cat aa`) DATA_NUM=${#DI[*]} tab_top() { echo -n -e "+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" printf "%-1s %-16s %-1s %-8s %-1s %-8s %-1s %-16s %-1s %-16s %-1s\n" \| name \| age \| sex \| native \| education \| } tab_mod() { echo -n -e "+------------------+----------+----------+------------------+------------------+\n" printf "%-1s %-16s %-1s %-8s %-1s %-8s %-1s %-16s %-1s %-16s %-1s\n" \| ${DI[i]} \| ${DI[i+1]} \| ${DI[i+2]} \| ${DI[i+3]} \| ${DI[i+4]} \| } tab_end() { echo -n -e "+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" } clear tab_top for (( i=0;i<"$DATA_NUM";i=i+5 )) do tab_mod done tab_end exit 0
2. shell 进度条控制
说 明:这个进度条不是很理想,理想中的应该百分比在进度条后,而且位置固定才对,只是printf语句不好控制,所以改成了百分比随进度条移动。另外shell不支持浮点运算,用bc -l算出来的数据取整数在$RATE_MAX不能整除$BAR_NUM是,会出现进度条到99%结束了,所以为了规避这个错误,在后面有添加了
tput rc
tput ed
"%-0s %-15s"
" 100% completed."
#!/bin/bash # It is a scripts of process bar. # Variable "BAR" is use of control process bar color. # Variable "TIME_CONTROL" is use of control the scripts run time. # Variable "BAR_NUM" is use of control process bar length. process_bar() { BAR=`echo -e "\033[32;42m \033[0m"` TOP_NOTE="Starting get system info:" END_NOTE='done.' TIME_CONTROL=20 BAR_NUM=25 RATE_MAX=100 PER_TIME=`echo $TIME_CONTROL/$BAR_NUM | bc -l` PER_RATE=`echo $RATE_MAX/$BAR_NUM | bc -l` echo -n "$TOP_NOTE " tput sc for (( i=1;i<=$BAR_NUM;i++ )) do tput rc tput ed BAR_PRO=$BAR_PRO$BAR I=`echo $PER_RATE*$i | bc -l | awk -F . '{print $1}'` printf "%-0s %-15s" "$BAR_PRO" "$I% completed." sleep $PER_TIME done tput rc tput ed printf "%-0s %-15s" "$BAR_PRO" " 100% completed." } process_bar & sleep 20 wait echo echo "done." exit 0