需求, 要统计某人收到的不同trigger告警的数量。


用命令换算时间(zabbix里面的时间是用从1970-01-01 00:00:00到现在的秒数计算的)

date -d "2013-09-02 14:00:00" +%s



select eventid , tricount , hosts.name,kjh.description    , expression ,functionid , kjh.itemid , kjh.triggerid , function , parameter,kjh.hostid,hosts.host from (select eventid , tricount , ytr.description    , expression ,functionid , ytr.itemid , ytr.triggerid , function , parameter,hostid from (select eventid , tricount , description    , expression ,functionid , itemid , potk.triggerid , function , parameter from (select fsdaf.eventid,tricount,triggerid,description,expression from (   select eventid ,objectid ,count(objectid) as tricount from   events where eventid in (   select eventid from alerts where userid = '35'     and clock between '1385830800' and '1387126800')    group by objectid order by count(objectid) desc) as fsdaf inner join triggers on triggerid=objectid) as potk inner join functions on potk.triggerid=functions.triggerid ) as ytr inner join items on items.itemid=ytr.itemid) as kjh inner join hosts on hosts.hostid=kjh.hostid;






select eventid , tricount , hosts.name,kjh.description , expression ,functionid , kjh.itemid , kjh.triggerid , function , parameter,kjh.hostid,hosts.host from

(select eventid , tricount , ytr.description, expression ,functionid , ytr.itemid , ytr.triggerid , function , parameter,hostid from

(select eventid , tricount , description , expression ,functionid , itemid , potk.triggerid , function , parameter from

(select fsdaf.eventid,tricount,triggerid,description,expression from

( select eventid ,objectid ,count(objectid) as tricount from events where eventid in

( select eventid from alerts where actionid = '35' and clock between '1385830800' and '1387126800')

group by objectid order by count(objectid) desc) as fsdaf

inner join triggers on triggerid=objectid) as potk

inner join functions on potk.triggerid=functions.triggerid ) as ytr

inner join items on items.itemid=ytr.itemid) as kjh

 inner join hosts on hosts.hostid=kjh.hostid;