Ken    : Hi Paolo!Could I please see a menu?
Paolo : Hi Ken! yes,can I get you a drink?
Ken   : I'll have a glass of water,please.
Paolo : Are you ready to order? Would you like to have an appetizer to start?
Ken   : yes,I'll have the escargot,please.
Paolo : Good choice.ken! what would you like for the main course?
Ken   : I'll have the T-bone steak and the barbequed fish.
Paolo : Will that be all?
Ken   : Hmmm....I think I'll have an order of fries and some garlic bread too.
Paolo : Wow ken,that's quite a lot! Is that all?
Ken   : Yes ,I want to save room for dessert.
Paolo :Hey ken,I think your eyes are bigger than your stomach.
new words:
     appetizer : n.开胃食品
     escargot   : n.食用蜗牛
     T-bone steak       : 丁字牛排。。。
     barbequed fish :烤鱼
    fries             :炸薯条
    garlic             :大蒜,蒜头