
想了解如何使用原生Python编写MapReduce程序或者如何搭建Hadoop环境请参考博文《Python之——使用原生Python编写Hadoop MapReduce程序(基于Hadoop 2.5.2) 》的内容

Mrjob(http://pythonhosted.org/mrjob/index.html) 是一个编写MapRecuce任务的开源Python框架,它实际上对Hadoop Stream的命令进行了封装,因此让开发者接触不到Hadoop数据流命令行,使我们更轻松、快速编写MapReduce任务。Mrjob具有如下特点。




4)支持亚马逊网络数据分析服务Elastic MapReduce(EMR);


安装Mrjob要求环境为Python 2.5及以上版本,源码下载地址为:https://github.com/yelp/mrjob


# pip install mrjob  #pip安装方式
# python setup.py install #源码安装方式






# -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
Created on 2018年1月14日

@author: liuyazhuang

from mrjob.job import MRJob

class MRWordCounter(MRJob):
    def mapper(self, key, line):
        for word in line.split():
            yield word, 1
    def reducer(self, word, occurrences):
        yield word, sum(occurrences)
if __name__ == '__main__':



1、内嵌(-r inline)方式

特点是调试方便,启动单一进程模拟任务执行状态和结果,默认(-r inline)可以省略,输出文件使用 > output-file 或-o output-file,比如下面两种运行方式是等价的:


python word_count.py -r inline input.txt > output.txt
python word_count.py input.txt > output.txt
此时我们执行cat output.txt操作



[root@liuyazhuang121 source]# cat output.txt 
"test"  2
"welcome"       1
"where" 1
"xxx"   2
"aaa"   1
"ab"    1
"abc"   1
"adc"   1
"bar"   2
"bbb"   2
"xxyy"  1
"you"   1
"your"  1
"yyy"   2
"hello" 2
"home"  2
"iii"   2
"is"    1
"labs"  1
"liuyazhuang"   2
"lyz"   2
"bc"    1
"bec"   1
"by"    1
"ccc"   2
"hadoop"        2
"me"    1
"ooo"   2
"python"        2
"see"   1


2、本地(-r local)方式



python word_count.py -r local input.txt > output1.txt
此时我们cat output1.txt查看结果:



[root@liuyazhuang121 source]# cat output1.txt 
"test"  2
"welcome"       1
"where" 1
"xxx"   2
"aaa"   1
"ab"    1
"abc"   1
"adc"   1
"bar"   2
"bbb"   2
"xxyy"  1
"you"   1
"your"  1
"yyy"   2
"hello" 2
"home"  2
"iii"   2
"is"    1
"labs"  1
"liuyazhuang"   2
"lyz"   2
"bc"    1
"bec"   1
"by"    1
"ccc"   2
"hadoop"        2
"me"    1
"ooo"   2
"python"        2
"see"   1


3、Hadoop(-r hadoop)方式


1)指定Hadoop任务调度优先级(VERY_HIGH|HIGH),如:--jobconf mapreduce.job.priority=VERY_HIGH。

2)Map及Reduce任务个数限制,如:--jobconf mapreduce.map.tasks=2  --jobconf mapreduce.reduce.tasks=5


本例中我们依然使用Hadoop HDFS中的/user/root/word/input.txt文件,具体运行命令如下:


 python word_count.py -r hadoop --jobconf mapreduce.job.priority=VERY_HIGH --jobconf mapreduce.map.tasks=2 --jobconf mapduce.reduce.tasks=1 -o hdfs://liuyazhuang121:9000/output/hadoop_word  hdfs://liuyazhuang121:9000/user/root/word



[root@liuyazhuang121 source]# python word_count.py -r hadoop --jobconf mapreduce.job.priority=VERY_HIGH --jobconf mapreduce.map.tasks=2 --jobconf mapduce.reduce.tasks=1 -o hdfs://liuyazhuang121:9000/output/hadoop_word  hdfs://liuyazhuang121:9000/user/root/word
No configs found; falling back on auto-configuration
No configs specified for hadoop runner
Looking for hadoop binary in $PATH...
Found hadoop binary: /usr/local/hadoop-2.5.2/bin/hadoop
Using Hadoop version 2.5.2
Looking for Hadoop streaming jar in /usr/local/hadoop-2.5.2...
Found Hadoop streaming jar: /usr/local/hadoop-2.5.2/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-2.5.2.jar
Creating temp directory /tmp/word_count.root.20180114.050606.032324
Copying local files to hdfs:///user/root/tmp/mrjob/word_count.root.20180114.050606.032324/files/...
Running step 1 of 1...
  packageJobJar: [/usr/local/hadoop-2.5.2/tmp/hadoop-unjar2522703497090634857/] [] /tmp/streamjob1355851303293562830.jar tmpDir=null
  Connecting to ResourceManager at liuyazhuang121/
  Connecting to ResourceManager at liuyazhuang121/
  Total input paths to process : 1
  number of splits:2
  Submitting tokens for job: job_1515893542122_0003
  Submitted application application_1515893542122_0003
  The url to track the job: http://liuyazhuang121:8088/proxy/application_1515893542122_0003/
  Running job: job_1515893542122_0003
  Job job_1515893542122_0003 running in uber mode : false
   map 0% reduce 0%
   map 33% reduce 0%
   map 100% reduce 0%
   map 100% reduce 100%
  Job job_1515893542122_0003 completed successfully
  Output directory: hdfs://liuyazhuang121:9000/output/hadoop_word
Counters: 49
        File Input Format Counters 
                Bytes Read=323
        File Output Format Counters 
                Bytes Written=262
        File System Counters
                FILE: Number of bytes read=486
                FILE: Number of bytes written=305876
                FILE: Number of large read operations=0
                FILE: Number of read operations=0
                FILE: Number of write operations=0
                HDFS: Number of bytes read=529
                HDFS: Number of bytes written=262
                HDFS: Number of large read operations=0
                HDFS: Number of read operations=9
                HDFS: Number of write operations=2
        Job Counters 
                Data-local map tasks=2
                Launched map tasks=2
                Launched reduce tasks=1
                Total megabyte-seconds taken by all map tasks=23237632
                Total megabyte-seconds taken by all reduce tasks=11787264
                Total time spent by all map tasks (ms)=22693
                Total time spent by all maps in occupied slots (ms)=22693
                Total time spent by all reduce tasks (ms)=11511
                Total time spent by all reduces in occupied slots (ms)=11511
                Total vcore-seconds taken by all map tasks=22693
                Total vcore-seconds taken by all reduce tasks=11511
        Map-Reduce Framework
                CPU time spent (ms)=3150
                Combine input records=0
                Combine output records=0
                Failed Shuffles=0
                GC time elapsed (ms)=149
                Input split bytes=206
                Map input records=1
                Map output bytes=392
                Map output materialized bytes=492
                Map output records=44
                Merged Map outputs=2
                Physical memory (bytes) snapshot=611057664
                Reduce input groups=30
                Reduce input records=44
                Reduce output records=30
                Reduce shuffle bytes=492
                Shuffled Maps =2
                Spilled Records=88
                Total committed heap usage (bytes)=429916160
                Virtual memory (bytes) snapshot=2661163008
        Shuffle Errors
Streaming final output from hdfs://liuyazhuang121:9000/output/hadoop_word...
"aaa"   1
"ab"    1
"abc"   1
"adc"   1
"bar"   2
"bbb"   2
"bc"    1
"bec"   1
"by"    1
"ccc"   2
"hadoop"        2
"hello" 2
"home"  2
"iii"   2
"is"    1
"labs"  1
"liuyazhuang"   2
"lyz"   2
"me"    1
"ooo"   2
"python"        2
"see"   1
"test"  2
"welcome"       1
"where" 1
"xxx"   2
"xxyy"  1
"you"   1
"your"  1
"yyy"   2
Removing HDFS temp directory hdfs:///user/root/tmp/mrjob/word_count.root.20180114.050606.032324...
Removing temp directory /tmp/word_count.root.20180114.050606.032324...



hadoop fs -ls /output/hadoop_word



[root@liuyazhuang121 source]# hadoop fs -ls /output/hadoop_word 
Found 2 items
-rw-r--r--   1 root supergroup          0 2018-01-14 13:06 /output/hadoop_word/_SUCCESS
-rw-r--r--   1 root supergroup        262 2018-01-14 13:06 /output/hadoop_word/part-00000



hadoop fs -cat  /output/hadoop_word/part-00000



[root@liuyazhuang121 source]# hadoop fs -cat  /output/hadoop_word/part-00000
"aaa"   1
"ab"    1
"abc"   1
"adc"   1
"bar"   2
"bbb"   2
"bc"    1
"bec"   1
"by"    1
"ccc"   2
"hadoop"        2
"hello" 2
"home"  2
"iii"   2
"is"    1
"labs"  1
"liuyazhuang"   2
"lyz"   2
"me"    1
"ooo"   2
"python"        2
"see"   1
"test"  2
"welcome"       1
"where" 1
"xxx"   2
"xxyy"  1
"you"   1
"your"  1
"yyy"   2