Siege Warfare
Siege Warfare is a large-scale PvP battle.are able to wage war against each other to attack and defend player-made cities and battlekeeps.At this time it is believed that Siege Warfare requires 48 players per side. will add to this section as more information becomes available. 
Raids and Endgame
Raiding is typically done by guilds and guild alliances,sometimes random people will also form up to tackle a raid NPC (a pick-up raid).encounters are often more than they appear. First, a Raid Boss to have a very large health pool. Often Raid Bosses will send out waves of lesser NPCs which you will have to battle through before attacking the Boss,or while battling the Boss.
In addition,Raid Bosses will often come equipped with powerful AOE (Area of Effect) spells which can wipe out an entire raid part in seconds if the raid party does not have a working strategy,or are not geared up heavily enough.While Age of Conan does not "end" per se, tend to have what is referred to as an "endgame".Usually the endgame will involve performing a series of large-scale quests, requiring you to kill many Raid Bosses.For this reason, many people find it necessary to join a Guild so they may easily find groups and raid parties in which to quest and kill with. Since Age of Conan already has expansions planned,the "endgame" will change with each expansion release.