主板集成的Adaptec Embeded SATA HostRAID-SATA控制器
如何配置主板集成的Adaptec Embeded SATA HostRAID-SATA控制器


所有xSeries 206; 所有xSeries 226; 所有xSeries 236; 所有xSeries 306
若想使用本机Adaptec Embeded SATA HostRAID 功能。 请按以下步骤配置硬盘,否则跳过。

方法:主机自检时按F1进入BIOS ‘Configuration/Setup Utility’

选择Device and I/O Ports将SATA RAID Enable设置为‘Enable’

2. 配置阵列


1) 重启主机自检到Adaptec Embeded SATA HostRAID 时,按CTRL-A进入配置菜单,

进入Array Configuration Utility 后,按<ENTER>继续

2) 选择 Array Configuration Utility

3) 按‘C’创建阵列

4) 分别将光标移动到每一块硬盘上,按<INS>键选择RAID成员,按<ENTER>接受选择。

5) 设置阵列参数:

Array Type: RAID-1或RAID 0

Array Lable: 键入RAID名

Stripe size: 16K/32K/64K(RAID0适用)

Creat RAID via: Build/Clear/Quick Init

RAID 0 有两种选择:

No Init: 产生阵列不做初始化

Migrate: 从一个硬盘创建RAID 0

RAID 1 有三种选择:

Quick Init:产生阵列不做初始化

Clear: 向所有阵列成员写0

Build: 从原盘拷贝数据到目标盘

6) 将光标移到‘DONE’,按<ENTER>


No Init: 提示:A member drive contains a valid partition table or boot block.

When a RAID array is created, this information will be destroyed.

Do you want to create an array?(Yes/No)

Migrate: 选择源盘

提示:WARNING: Migration may take half hour or more to complete.

Array is inaccessible until the migration is completed

Terminating before completion will result in data loss!

Do you still want to poceed? (Yes/No)

Build: 选择源盘

提示:Building the RAID 1 may take half hour or more to complete.

Do you still want to continue? (Yes/No)

Clear: 提示:Building the RAID 1 may take half hour or more to complete.

Also, the array is not accessible until the Clearing is over

Do you still want to continue? (Yes/No)

Quick Init: 提示:Creating a RAID 1 using Quick Init may require you to run

a VERIFY W/FIX using OS utility to make drives consistent.


提示:A member drive contains a valid partition table or boot block.

When a RAID array is created, this information will be destroyed.

Do you want to create an array?(Yes/No)
7) 完成后按若干ESC退出设置

使用ServeRAID 7e Support CD 配置
注:本机Adaptec HostRAID功能 只支持 RAID 0,1