
  1. 不需要出现在文档中的注释都应该使用 //
  2. 需要生成文档的注释  使用 /// 文档注释来注释成员和类型。
  3. 要在文档注释开头有一个单句总结  让文档注释的第一句从段落中分开。
/// Deletes the file at [path].
/// Throws an [IOError] if the file could not be found. Throws a
/// [PermissionError] if the file is present but could not be deleted.
void delete(String path) {
  1. 如果一个属性同时包含 getter 和 setter,请只为其中一个添加文档。 dart doc 命令会将 getter 和 setter 作为同一个属性进行处理,而如果它们都包含文档注释,dart docs 命令会将 setter 的文档忽略。
/// The pH level of the water in the pool.
/// Ranges from 0-14, representing acidic to basic, with 7 being neutral.
int get phLevel => ...
set phLevel(int level) => ...
  1. 推荐使用名词短语来开始库和类型注释。
/// A chunk of non-breaking output text terminated by a hard or soft newline.
/// ...
class Chunk { ... }
  1. 考虑 在文档注释中添加示例代码。
/// Returns the lesser of two numbers.
/// ```dart
/// min(5, 3) == 3
/// ```
num min(num a, num b) => ...
  1. 给变量,方法,或类型等名称加上方括号,则 dartdoc 会查找名称并链接到相关的 API 文档。括号是可选的,但是当你在引用一个方法或者构造函数时,可以让注释更清晰。可以链接到类的命名构造函数,或 变量,方法,类型等。
/// Throws a [StateError] if ...

/// Similar to [Duration.inDays], but handles fractional days.

/// To create a point, call [Point.new] or use [Point.polar] to ..
  1.  把注释文档放到注解之前。
/// A button that can be flipped on and off.
@Component(selector: 'toggle')
class ToggleComponent {}

不要把 @Component 放到第一行,要放到注释之后。

  1. 可以用 markdown 来格式代码,但不要滥用。
/// This sentence has *two* _emphasized_ words (italics) and **two**
/// __strong__ ones (bold).
/// A blank line creates a separate paragraph. It has some `inline code`
/// delimited using backticks.
/// * Unordered lists.
/// * Look like ASCII bullet lists.
/// * You can also use `-` or `+`.
/// 1. Numbered lists.
/// 2. Are, well, numbered.
/// 1. But the values don't matter.
///     * You can nest lists too.
///     * They must be indented at least 4 spaces.
///     * (Well, 5 including the space after `///`.)
/// Code blocks are fenced in triple backticks:
/// ```dart
/// this.code
///     .will
///     .retain(its, formatting);
/// ```
/// The code language (for syntax highlighting) defaults to Dart. You can
/// specify it by putting the name of the language after the opening backticks:
/// ```html
/// <h1>HTML is magical!</h1>
/// ```
/// Links can be:
/// * https://www.just-a-bare-url.com
/// * [with the URL inline](https://google.com)
/// * [or separated out][ref link]
/// [ref link]: https://google.com
/// # A Header
/// ## A subheader
/// ### A subsubheader
/// #### If you need this many levels of headers, you're doing it wrong
  1. 可以用反引号来标代码
/// You can use [CodeBlockExample] like this:
/// ```dart
/// var example = CodeBlockExample();
/// print(example.isItGreat); // "Yes."
/// ```
