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在数据的储存方面,我想采用的是一个shape来保存密码,当前模式及各模式的具体信息。其中,储存密码的shape的Name用于标记是否文档已 经设置了密码,AlternativeText储存密码。另外,将会有一系列的shape来储存相应模式的信息,它们的信息都储存都shape的 AlternativeText中。一下给出两个储存信息的模板如下:
< action = hide ShapeName = aaaaa SlideIndex = 1 >
<action = replace ShapeName = aaaaa SlideIndex = 1 word = aa NewWord = vgv >
It’s the third day for the “Office Data Security” project,and the project have been completed 1/3.And i feel very satified because the most difficult stage has passed.
And then,i will introduce the concrete process to all of you.If anyone of you have any problems ,feel free to contact me.
At present,”when open the document then read the current parttern and the concrete information” part has been came true.When users register logged in,according to the pattern storage’s information,returns the documents content,and show it.
In addition,what i have done is make the part choosed dideaway.And now we also have three main problems:the first one is the pattern management,like pattern newly built,deletion and selection and edition;
the second one is the parttern information’s storage when users save the document;the third one is the system hot key’s registration.
In data storage aspect,what i wanna use is preserve the password,current pattern and various patterns concrete information by a shape.The Name in the shape is used to identify whether the document has been tagged.And the AlternativeText file is used to storage the password.
Give two templates of the information storaging to as follows:
< action = hide ShapeName = aaaaa SlideIndex = 1 >
<action = replace ShapeName = aaaaa SlideIndex = 1 word = aa NewWord = vgv >
It’s over today,welcome the friends who is instrsted to get in touch with me.