PowerShell is what you make out of it. It's a base for powerful scripting that can help you determine specific information about an OCS deployment, change a single attribute of a single user or change multiple attributes on thousands of users.
OCS PowerShell Functions from the OCS RTM Reskit, OCS-ALL.ps1
This script can be loaded by launching PowerShell, change directory to where your PS scripts live, and run the script:
  • PS C:\PowerShell_scripts>. ./OCS-ALL.ps1
You'll now be able to run any of the OCS functions for the OCS-ALL,ps1 script. Some of these functions will return a single line answer and some will return many lines of data. In the later case I like to "pipe" the results into a text file.
  • Get-ocssipdomain
  • OCS PowerShell Functions from the OCS RTM Reskit, OCS-ALL.ps1_Reskit
  • Get-ocsadcontainer
  • OCS PowerShell Functions from the OCS RTM Reskit, OCS-ALL.ps1_PowerShell_02
  • Get-OCSUserDetail -condition "PrimaryURI like 'SIP:S%'"
  • OCS PowerShell Functions from the OCS RTM Reskit, OCS-ALL.ps1_RTM_03
  • Get-ocsuserdetail >ocsuserdetail.txt
  • Get-ocsuserdetail
  • OCS PowerShell Functions from the OCS RTM Reskit, OCS-ALL.ps1_Functions_04
  • Other functions from the OCS-ALL.ps1 that I use that require you to pipe the results into a text file are:
    • Get-ocserrorevent >ocserror.txt
    • Get-ocswaringevent >ocswarning.txt
    The following are all the functions within the OCS-ALL.ps1 script.
    • Get-OCSSIPDomain
    • New-OCSSIPDomain
    • Remove-OCSSipDomain
    • Get-OCSPool
    • Choose-OCSPool
    • Get-OCSADContainer
    • Get-OCSSchemaVersion
    • Get-OCSWarningEvent
    • Get-OCSErrorEvent
    • Get-OCSUser
    • Remove-OCSUser
    • Get-OCSUserDetail
    • Get-OCSPICUserCount
    • Get-ADUser
    • Export-ADUser
    • New-OCSuser
    • Update-OCSUser
    • Export-OCSUser
    • Import-OCSUser
    • Get-OCSMeetingPolicy
    • New-OCSMeetingPolicy
    • Update-OCSMeetingPolicy
    • Remove-OCSMeetingPolicy
    • Choose-OCSMeetingPolicy
    • Get-OCSUCPolicy
    • New-OCSUCPolicy
    • Update-OCSUCPolicy
    • Remove-OCSUCPolicy
    • Choose-OCSUCPolicy
    • Get-OCSNormalizationRule
    • Choose-OCSNormalizationRule
    • New-OCSNormalizationRule
    • Remove-OCSNormalizationRule
    • Update-OCSNormalizationRule
    • Get-OCSLocationProfile
    • Choose-OCSLocationProfile
    • Remove-OCSLocationProfile
    • New-OCSLocationProfile
    • Add-OCSNormalizationRuleToOCSLocationProfile
    • Remove-OCSNormalizationRuleFromOCSLocationProfile
    • Get-OCSPhoneRoute
    • Choose-OCSPhoneRoute
    • Remove-OCSPhoneRoute
    • New-OCSPhoneRoute
    • Update-OCSPhoneRoute
    • Get-OCSPhoneRouteUsage
    • Choose-OCSPhoneRouteUsage
    • Remove-OCSPhoneRouteUsage
    • New-OCSPhoneRouteUsage
    • Get-OCSGlobalUCSetting
    • Get-OCSUCPolicyForOCSUser
    • Get-OCSPhoneRouteUsageForOCSUCPolicy
    • Get-OCSPhoneRouteForOCSPhoneRouteUsage
    • Get-OCSPhoneRouteForNumber
    • Add-OCSPhoneRouteUsageToOCSPhoneRoute
    • Remove-OCSPhoneRouteUsageFromOCSPhoneRoute
    • Add-OCSPhoneRouteUsageToOCSUCPolicy
    • Remove-OCSPhoneRouteUsageFromOCSUCPolicy
    • Start-OCSReplication
    • Get-OCSWindowsService
    • Stop-OCSWindowsService
    • Start-OCSWindowsService
    • Get-OCSSipRoutingCert
    • Get-OCSEdgeFederationExternalCert
    • Get-OCSEdgeFederationInternalCert
    • Get-OCSEdgeConferencingExternalCert
    • Get-OCSEdgeAvAuthCert
    • Get-OCSEdgeInternalDomain
    • New-OCSEdgeInternalDomain
    • Remove-OCSEdgeInternalDomain
    • Get-OCSEdgeInternalServer
    • New-OCSEdgeInternalServer
    • Remove-OCSEdgeInternalServer
    • Get-OCSEdgeFederationDenied
    • Remove-OCSEdgeFederationDenied
    • New-OCSEdgeFederationDenied
    • Get-OCSEdgeFederationPartner
    • New-OCSEdgeFederationPartner
    • Export-OCSEdgeFederationPartner
    • Import-OCSEdgeFederationPartner
    • Remove-OCSEdgeFederationPartner
    • Get-OCSEdgeIMProvider
    • New-OCSEdgeIMProvider
    • Update-OCSEdgeIMProvider
    • Remove-OCSEdgeIMProvider
    • Get-OCSTrustedService
    • Choose-OCSMediationServer
    • Get-OCSMediationServerSetting
    • Set-OCSMediationServerPlusSign
    • Enable-ExchUmForOcsUser
    • Get-ExchUMDialPlan
    • Get-OCSFunction
    Published Wednesday, February 03, 2010 10:43 PM by wesglock
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