Learning Resources 
Community Sites/ Learning Centers
·         [url]www.asp.net[/url]
·         [url]www.asp.net/ajax[/url]  
Software and Download Centers
·         Visual Web Developer Express 2008 Beta 2 – Web Edition
·         Visual Web Developer Express 2005
·         .NET Framework 3.5 Beta 2
·         .NET Framework 3.0
·         .NET Framework 2.0
·         ASP.NET AJAX
·         ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit
·         ASP.NET “Futures”
·         ASP.NET AJAX Tutorials [url]http://asp.net/ajax/documentation/live/[/url]
·         ASP.NET AJAX Videos [url]http://asp.net/learn/ajax-videos/[/url]
·         ASP.NET Videos [url]http://asp.net/learn/videos/[/url] 
·         Advanced ASP.NET AJAX
·         ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit
Virtual Classrooms
·         Chapter 2: Microsoft AJAX Library
·         Chapter 3: ASP.NET AJAX Extensions
·         Chapter 4: ASP.NET AJAX Extensibility
·         Chapter 5: AJAX Control Toolkit
Technical Support/Blogs
·         Silverlight on Microsoft.com: [url]www.microsoft.com/silverlight[/url]
·         Silverlight Community Site: [url]www.silverlight.net[/url]
·         Silverlight MSDN Developer Center: [url]http://msdn.microsoft.com/silverlight[/url]
·         Microsoft Expression: [url]http://www.microsoft.com/expression[/url] 
Silverlight Tutorials
Silverlight and Blend Videos
·         Silverlight.net Aggregated Blog: [url]http://silverlight.net/blogs/microsoft/rss.aspx[/url]
·         Scott Guthrie – [url]http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu[/url]
·         Mike Harsh – [url]http://blogs.msdn.com/mharsh[/url]
·         Tim Sneath – [url]http://blogs.msdn.com/tims[/url]
·         Nick Kramer – [url]http://blogs.msdn.com/nickkramer[/url]
·         Ashish Shetty – [url]http://nerddawg.blogspot.com[/url]
·         Vivek Dalvi – [url]http://vivekdalvi.wordpress.com[/url]
·         Joe Stegman – [url]http://blogs.msdn.com/jstegman[/url]
·         Janakiram MSV – [url]http://www.janakiramm.net/blog[/url]
·         Pandurang Nayak – [url]http://www.thinkingMS.com/pandurang[/url] 
Newsgroups and Forums
·         Silverlight.net Forums [url]www.silverlight.net/forums[/url]
·         Learn Expression Forums
·         Expression Newsgroup
·         Expression Blend Newsgroup
·         Expression Design Newsgroup
·         Expression Media Newsgroup
·         Expression Encoder Newsgroup
·         Expression Web Newsgroup
·         8-Part series of Webcasts over SQL Server Express Edition
·         Using Service Broker in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition for Reliable Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Implementations (Level 300)
·         Introducing SQL Server 2005 Express Edition: Your Smart Client Data Store (Level 200)
·         TechNet Webcast: SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (Level 200) 
Internet Articles and Resources
·         Downloading SQL Server Express Edition
·         View SQL Server Express Edition Case Studies
·         Upgrading from SQL Server 2005 Express Edition to Workgroup or Standard Editions
·         Installing SQL Server Express Edition
·         Managing SQL Server Express Edition with Management Studio Express
·         Building and shipping applications using SQL Server Express 2005? Register for SQL Server Express Edition Redistribution Rights
·         SQL Server Express Developer Center
·         SQL Server 2005 Express Edition User Instances 
·         SQL Server Express Edition Comparison
·         SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Overview 
·         Installation Requirements for SQL Server Express
·         Using the sqlcmd Utility (SQL Server Express)
·         How to manage the SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) or SQL Server 2005 Express Edition by using the osql utility
·         Distributing SQL Server Express
·         Reporting Services in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services
·         How to: Attach a Database File to SQL Server Express
·         Walkthrough: Creating an Application by Using SQL Server Express and Visual Web Developer 2005 Express
·         Replication in SQL Server Express
·         Embedding SQL Server Express into Custom Applications 
·         SQL Server Express Developer Infocenter
Videos and Starter Kits
·          Videos on SQL Server Express Edition (~20 Videos)
·         SQL Server Express - 6 Starter Kits
·         SQL Server Express - Sample Applications
Forums and Blogs
·         SQL Server Express - MSDN Forums
·         Hardware and Software Requirements (SQL Server Express)
·         Blogs: SQL Server Express WebLog
Support Articles 
·         How to verify and change the system administrator password in MSDE or SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
·         How SQL Server 2005 Express Edition determines the CPU count and uses the CPUs during processing
·         How to connect to an instance of SQL Server Desktop Edition or of SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
·         How to detect the status of the SQL Server Express service or start the SQL Server Express service by using Visual Basic or Visual C#
·         How to perform full-text search related tasks in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services
·         How to configure SQL Server Agent to send job status notifications and alert notifications in SQL Server 2005 64-bit editions

Web Server – IIS7.0  

Internet Resources and Blogs 
·         IIS – Homebase
·         ScottGu on IIS 7.0
·         Blog: The new Configuration System in IIS 7
·         Bill's Blog - PM
·         .NET Show: IIS 7.0
·         IIS 7.0 Feature Reference
·         IIS 7.0 FAQ
·         IIS 7.0 - Operations Guide
·         Webcast: Exploring the Future of Web Development and Management with Internet Information Services 7.0
·         IIS 7.0 End-to-End Overview of the New Web Application Server: [url]http://www.iis.net/default.aspx?tabid=2&subtabid=23&i=1141[/url]
·         Inside IIS 7.0 features
·         Getting started with IIS 7.0
SDK’s and Hands on Labs
·         IIS 7.0 – SDK
·         Virtual Labs – IIS
Internet Articles
·         Root TechCenter for IIS 7.0
·         Installing IIS 7.0 on Vista
·         Logging UI for IIS 7.0 on Windows Vista
·         FrontPage Server Extensions for IIS7
·         FTP7 Server Beta (x86)
·         FastCGI for IIS 5.1\6.0
·         An Introduction to Windows PowerShell and IIS7
·         Overview of MWA & MWM for IIS7
·         Your Web Platform Security
·         Changes between IIS6 and IIS7 Security
·         Using Encryption to Protect Passwords
·         Forms Authentication in IIS7
·         An End-to-End Extensibility Example for IIS7 Developers
·         Deciphering the Tools of trade: A review of IIS Stress Testing Toolsets
·         Overview of Runtime Status and Control Data and Objects (RSCA)
·         Writing PowerShell Command-lets for IIS7
·         How to Add Tracing to IIS7 Managed Modules
·         How to Take Advantage of the IIS7 Integrated Pipeline
·         Build a Custom IIS7 Server
·         How to Use Locking in IIS7 Configuration
·         Deep Dive into IIS7 Configuration
·         IIS - WMI Provider Reference
·         Maximizing IIS Performance
·         Serving the Web: Nine Tips to Enhance IIS Security
·         Monitoring and Troubleshooting Microsoft.com
·         Kerberos authentication for load balanced web sites
·         Video - HTTP.sys: Inside and Out
·         Video - Using Granular Compression in IIS 6.0
·         IIS 7.0 on Channel9