公司搭系统,需要对网络进行调整,用的是Juniper EX系列交换机 结果调整完配置, 要commit时报错 提示信息如下: root# commit error: could not open /var/etc/pam.conf+: Operation not permitted error: commit failed: foreign file propagation failed during preprocessing

度娘没找到解决办法,上bing国际版,直接跳到Juniper英文页面,还好有救 Cause: Permission is missing in the authentication file. File corruption with pam.conf or pam.conf+ file. 原因: 身份验证文件中缺少权限。 pam.conf或pam.conf+文件损坏。

解决办法: root#exit root>start shell #启动shell

root:RE:0% root:RE:0% ls -lo /var/etc/pam #检查pam开头的文件权限 ls: /var/etc/pam: No such file or directory #!竟然没有这个文件!囧

root:RE:0% ls -lo /var/etc/ #换个方法,查上层路径 total 324 ... -rw-r----- 1 root wheel - 203 Mar 6 09:16 pam.conf -rw-r----- 1 root wheel - 203 Mar 6 09:08 pam.conf- ... 还好有找到

root:RE:0% chflags 0 /var/etc/pam.conf+ root:RE:0% chmod 777 /var/etc/pam.conf 重新设置权限

root:RE:0% cli {master:0} root>edit Entering configuration mode

{master:0}[edit] root# commit full configuration check succeeds commit complete
