web proxy_web
但是在你当启用ssl这个功能的时候,你在浏览器中连接ssl的网页的时候发现会连接不上,具体原因就是The initial connection between the Web Proxy client and the outbound Web Proxy listener must always be over HTTP
原文如下:Many people have wondered for years about the Enable SSL checkbox on the Web Proxy page. This option was also available in ISA Server 2000. This setting posed a curious problem because if you enabled this option and then tried to configure the Web browser to connect to the default SSL port on the outbound Web Proxy SSL listener, the connection attempt would fail. The reason for this is that the Web browser that is configured as a Web Proxy client cannot establish an SSL connection with the Web Proxy listener. The initial connection between the Web Proxy client and the outbound Web Proxy listener must always be over HTTP