1. 运行InstallShield试用版的时间限制 - 试用时间21天,点击Help菜单可以看到还剩多少天试用。
2. InstallShield试用版Build出的安装包运行时间限制 - 5天,如果超过这个时间再运行这个安装包,会提示“This setup was created with an EVALUATION VERSION of InstallShield. Evaluation setups work for only 5 days after they were built. Please rebuild the setup to run it again.
3. 发布类型限制 - 试用版打包出来的安装包只能是Setup.exe这一种形式,如果编译一个未压缩的安装包,编译会提示“Warning -7211: Building a compressed Network Image Setup.exe. All other build types are not allowed in the evaluation mode of InstallShield.” 
4. 编译事件限制 - 试用版忽略Precompression事件,编辑会提示“Warning -7211: Evaluation mode: skipping precompression build events...
5. Setup.exe参数命令限制 - 试用版不支持/a命令,如果给入/a命令参数,会有如下提示“This setup was created with an evaluation version of InstallShield, which does not support extraction of the internal MSI file. The full version of InstallShield supports this functionality. For more information, see InstallShield KB article Q200900.” 
6. 补丁包和QuickPatch包的限制 - InstallShield试用版中,无法创建基于试用版打包出来安装包的补丁包,会有如下提示“This setup was created with an evaluation version of InstallShield, which does not support extraction of the internal MSI file. The full version of InstallShield supports this functionality. For more information, see InstallShield KB article Q200900.” 
转自Kevin Wan博客,更多Installshield打包技术交流问题可查看Appinstall论坛